Activating multisite - overview

To adopt the multisite functionality in a multicompany or single company environment previously without sites, you must activate these multisite concepts:

  • Item Type Product
  • Standard Cost per Enterprise Unit
  • Planning Cluster Mandatory
  • Sites

The multisite concepts are activated in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session or in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session. The online help addresses the activation procedures performed in the Multisite Concepts Activation (tcemm4600m000) workbench session.

Item type Product

The supply of an item can differ for each site. The item can be purchased at one site and subcontracted or produced at another site. However, the item type is a static and global setting. Consequently, the item types Purchased and Manufactured must be merged into the item type Product.

Standard cost by enterprise unit

In a multisite environment, the calculation of an item's standard cost must be performed at a more detailed level than the company level. Therefore, the item costing data must be available by enterprise unit instead of by company. Additionally, data such as the costing warehouse, costing source, and intercompany trade settings are required in the item costing data.

Planning cluster mandatory

Item planning is performed for one or more sites if Enterprise Planning is implemented. Therefore, planning clusters must be linked to sites. This is to accomplish that planning is performed for the items related to the sites and the underlying entities.


Various logistics data, commercial data, planning data and other master data must be available at a more detailed level than the company level. For this purpose, this data must be grouped by site or by office for each company within the multicompany structure.


Before starting the activation process, create a design of the intended enterprise structure, identifying the sites to be used, the activities to be carried out at each site, and the warehouses and departments to be included in each site.

If Enterprise Planning is implemented, determine the planning clusters to be used, and link these to the warehouses for which planning is to be performed collectively. The specified planning clusters and the linked warehouses affect the creation of sites.

Before activating the Standard Cost per Enterprise Unit multisite concept, identify the level at which to calculate the standard costs: company or enterprise unit. If the level is to be enterprise unit, identify the enterprise units for which to calculate the standard costs.

Set up item groups, because these affect the creation of item default data at site or company level.

Recommended actions

  • Perform table sharing. See Infor LN User Guide for TableSharing (comtableshug U9505).
  • Archive the companies of your existing multicompany structure.
  • Perform the site activation process in a testing environment before actually adopting the multisite functionality.