| Overview of data security for ProductionYou can define roles for which the authorization level is set for range Production related processes using the associated
attributes, which ensure data security. Benefits of authorization: - Improves the process because employees only focus on a subset
of data (only authorized) while defining production activities using the
product design, costing, planning and preparation setup.
- Improves production process because users work with data that
is authorized to view/use/modify when executing these tasks:
- Work Distribution
- Receive materials from inventory
- Hours accounting
- Monitoring
- Quality Control
- Performance analysis
- Also in the close Production processes employees can only work
with the authorized data. These processes are:
- Report item status is set to complete.
- The completed item is issued to the inventory.
- The production order status is set to closed.
- This enhances the effectivity of the employees and reduces the
risk on fraud and mistakes.
Examples of business scenarios An organization has production departments in the various
locations. Each production department, has a resource planner and production
planner to plan production activities: - A resource planner is responsible of resource planning for
the assigned production departments.
- The production planner is responsible for the production
planning, printing the production order documents, assigning work to work
centers, monitor production orders and report productions orders complete for
the assigned production department.
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