Approving Compliance Check Results

The successful processing of the compliance check for the shipment lines results in a confirmed shipment line. However, the user can control the confirmation of shipment lines, using the Export Compliance Check Result Approval field in the Global Trade Compliance Parameters (tcgtc0100m000) session.

If the Export Compliance Check Result Approval field is set to:

  • Yes, Infor LN does not confirm the shipment lines even after a successful compliance check. You must manually approve the lines using the Document Compliance Check Results (tcgtc1510m000) session.
  • Yes and an exception exists, the check must be approved manually.
  • No, Infor LN approves the processing of compliance check.
  • Via Exceptions, a search is executed to locate a valid exception in the Export Document Exceptions (tcgtc0130m000) session. If exceptions are not available, Infor LN approves the successful compliance check.

To approve successful shipment compliance results, you can also implement a workflow.