Tax registration in a foreign country - sales orders

If you create a sales quotation or a sales order, Infor LN stores the financial department of the order on the order header. Initially, the financial department is the same as the sales office of the quotation or order and in this way, the initial tax country is the home country of the financial company linked to the sales office.

Next, Infor LN determines the tax details of the first order line according to the way in which you set up tax registration. The tax details include the tax country.

When you create a sales order line, based on the order data, the tax logic determines the tax country which must be the country of the financial company of the financial department. When the tax country for the sales order line is different from the country of the financial company of the financial department and the Use Tax Numbers of other Financial Companies check box is selected in the Tax Parameters (tctax0100m000) session, you must change the financial department and the country of the financial department must be the same as tax country before you save the line. For the next lines, the tax country must be equal to this country else an error message is displayed.

If you copy sales orders, purchase orders, or service orders, all the details including the tax data are copied. The new order has the same financial department as the original order. You cannot change the financial department.


You can change the financial department on the order header if no financial postings exist for the order. If financial postings exist, Infor LN displays an error message.

Direct delivery purchase orders

For direct delivery, a purchase order is linked to a sales order or service order.

If the financial department and the administrative department of the purchase order differ, the financial department of the purchase order is equal to the financial department of the related sales order or service order. In this way, Infor LN retrieves the currency rates and rate factor for the purchase order and for the related sales order or service order from the same financial company.

Commissions and rebates

For commissions and rebates, Infor LN uses the financial data such as the currency and the currency rates of the financial company linked to the financial department of the sales order.

Sales invoices

Infor LN creates invoices for the sales order in Invoicing in the financial company of the financial department. The details printed on the invoice include the administrative department's address and the tax number of the financial company of the financial department.

If required, you can use the Reprint Invoices session to print final invoices in the language of the business partner's country or of the tax country. In the Print Invoice field, you can select the language.