Segmented item codes

Item codes can consist of more than one field or segment. Segmented item codes consist of:

  • The item-base segment. The item-base segment code must always be present.
  • Other segments, which assign the item to a specific group or usage. For example, the project segment assigns the item to a project. The cluster segment of a plan item assigns the item to a cluster in Enterprise Planning.

If you point at a code-segment field, LN displays a tooltip that describes the segment.

You can use the item-code segments to select items. For example, you can use the project segment to distinguish the customized items of various projects, and to distinguish them from standard items. The project segment is necessary to link a standard-to-order item to a customer order.

We recommend that you specify only these segments:

  • Item Base
    This segment consists of the item base code.
  • Project
    This segment links the customized item to a specific project.
  • Cluster
    This segment contains the item's warehouse cluster that is used in Enterprise Planning. The cluster segment is only used for plan items in Enterprise Planning. For details, see Planning Clusters in Enterprise Planning.
Defining item-code segments

You specify the item-code segments in the Segmented Domains (ttgfd4122m000) session in Tools. Each code-segment definition determines:

  • The segment length.
  • If the segment field is right aligned or left aligned.
  • If LN converts the code to uppercase.
  • The session to which you can zoom from the segment field.
  • The text of the tooltip that indicates the segment type.

After running the Initialize Parameters (tcmcs0295m000) session, the Item Code Segmentation (tcibd0500m000) session is automatically populated with the values you specified for the item domain in the Segmented Domains (ttgfd4122m000) session. Set up the item segmentation only in the Segmented Domains (ttgfd4122m000) session.


Once you have defined the item code segments and you have created or generated item codes, you cannot change the item code segmentation.

Empty segment-code fields

If a code segment is not applicable for the item, the segment field is empty. For example, the project segment of items that are not assigned to a project is empty.

Defining segmented codes

You define a segmented code in the same way as you enter a number of separate fields. You can usually zoom from a segment field to the appropriate session and select a code.

For example, to enter the project segment you can zoom to the General Projects (tcmcs0552m000) session and select a project.

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