Intercompany Trade Parameters (tcitr0100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the intercompany trade parameters.


Introduction Date

The date and time when the parameters become effective. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.

By default, this field displays the date and time when you changed and saved the parameter settings.


The description of the current set of intercompany trade parameters.

For example, you can indicate why you want to change the parameters.

Default Order Type Multi Company Supply

Specify the default type of supply order that Enterprise Planning must generate. For intercompany trade relations that apply to warehouses of different logistic companies, LN uses the selected type of order to transfer the inventory to the destination warehouse.

  • Warehouse Transfer
    Enterprise Planning generates a multicompany transfer order, that is, a warehousing order with inventory transaction type Transfer.
  • Purchase Order
    Enterprise Planning generates a purchase order with which the goods are received in the destination warehouse. In the company to which the warehouse belongs from which the ordered goods are sold, the order is displayed as a sales order in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session after you run EDI.

In this field, the general default type of supply order is specified. In the Default Order Type Multi Company Supply (tcitr2120m000) session, you can specify the type of supply order for specific warehouses or planning clusters.

Number Group

The number group used to create intercompany trade order numbers.


The series on which intercompany trade order numbers are based. This series is used if no series are defined in the Intercompany Trade Order Series (tcitr0110m000) session.

Search Sequence Intercompany Trade Relationships

Specify whether from-side or the to-side of the intercompany trade relations defined in the Intercompany Trade Relationships (tcitr2100m000) session has search priority.

Commercial Price in case of BOM Lines

In case of intercompany trade of BOM items, the price of the main item or the price of the components is used if the price origin of the intercompany trade agreement is Commercial Price.

The internal invoice or the intercompany transactions always list the price per component.

Allowed values

Inventory Handling

Use Approval

If this check box is selected, the intercompany trade order must be approved before deliveries can be made, and financial transactions can be posted or billable and payable lines can be created for this order.

Also, these check boxes become available:

Adopt Selling Cost Structure

If this check box is selected, the cost structure of the selling entity is adopted by the buying entity.

This is used for various types of cost and profit margin analyses.

This setting is defaulted to the Adopt Selling Cost Structure check box of the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

Intercompany Margin Billable in Project

If this check box is selected, the intercompany margin is added to the project costs.

The intercompany margin is the difference between the intercompany transfer price and the actual costs, such as the valuation price in the issuing warehouse. This implies that in case of a cost plus contract, this margin is billable to the customer.

This parameter is used for intercompany trade within a project using project cost pegs. For example, in a project pegged warehouse transfer within a logistic company with an internal invoice.

This value is defaulted to the Intercompany Margin Billable in Project check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.


If this check box is selected, intercompany trade order history is registered.

Approve (Selling)

If this check box is selected, the selling part of the intercompany trade order is approved automatically when the intercompany trade order is created. This value is defaulted to the Seller Approve of Trade Order during Generation check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the selling part of the intercompany trade order is approved using the Seller Approve Intercompany Trade Orders (tcitr3200m000) session.

Approve (Buying)

If this check box is selected, the buying part of the intercompany trade order is approved automatically when the intercompany trade order is created. This value is defaulted to the Buyer Approve of Trade Order during Generation check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the buying part of the intercompany trade order is approved using the Buyer Approve Intercompany Trade Orders (tcitr3200m100) session.

Release to Invoicing

If this check box is selected, and for an intercompany trade agreement the Internal Invoice check box is selected in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session, transaction lines based on the intercompany trade agreement are automatically released to Invoicing when the transaction lines are created. This value is defaulted to the Release Transaction Lines to Invoicing during Generation check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, transaction lines are released using the Release to Invoicing (tcitr3210m000) session.

Submit for Approval

If this check box is selected, intercompany trade orders based on intercompany trade agreements are submitted to Workflow for approval.

This setting is defaulted to the Submit Trade Order for Approval During Generation check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

This check box is available if approval is applicable for the relevant intercompany trade agreements, and if Workflow is implemented for intercompany trade orders. For more information, refer to Workflow Management System and Intercompany trade setup - overview.

Post Transactions (without Invoice)

If this check box is selected, and no internal invoice is required, transaction lines are posted to Financials automatically after the transaction lines are created. This value is defaulted to the Post Transaction Lines (without Invoicing) during Generation check box in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

An internal invoice is not required for an intercompany trade agreement if the Internal Invoice check box is cleared in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, transaction lines without invoicing are posted to Financials using the Post Transactions (tcitr3210m100) session.

Search Path for Intercompany Labor Rate

Use the search path fields to set the priority for retrieving the labor rate that is used to determine the Commercial Price in intercompany trade scenario Labor.

Labor rates can be retrieved from an employee, an employee's department, or an employee's trade group. The value specified in level 1 is where the application looks first to retrieve the labor rate. If not found, the application looks in level 2 and if not found there, in level 3. Not Applicable means that the level is not searched.

The priorities specified in these fields are defaulted to the Labor Rate Level 1, Labor Rate Level 2, and Labor Rate Level 3 fields in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.