Mask Segments (tcibd4103s000)

Use this session to view, create, or maintain the length, type, and contents of mask segments. The length of the segments plus the separators form the total length. There is a maximum length of identification codes generated by masks dependent on where the codes are used.


Mask Code

The mask for which you want to view, create, or maintain mask segments.

Sequence Number

The first free number LN generates and inserts into the identification code.

LN calculates the sequence number if the segment type is Sequence.

Segment Type

The type of information that the segment contains. If the segment type is Translation Table, you must define and select a translation table to convert an Option, Infor LN Field, or Date.

Allowed values

Segment type


The product feature that is inserted into the identification code. Product features are only used if the item is assembly-controlled.


This field is only available if the segment type is Option.

Translation Table

A table to translate the actual data into the code required to form the serial number. For example, to translate the production date into the date code.

Use the Translation Tables (tcibd4504m000) session to define translation tables for the following types information:

  • Option
  • Infor LN Field
  • Date

This field is only available if the segment type is Translation Table.

Related topics

Field Type

The origin of the LN field of which the content is inserted into the identification code. The field can originate from the Job Shop Control Data, Item Data, Warehouse Order, and so on.

This field is only available if the segment type is Infor LN Field.

Infor LN Field

The LN field of which the content is inserted in the identification code. You can select a field of the type selected in the Field Type field.

This field is only available if the segment type is Infor LN Field.


The type of date that is inserted into the identification code.

  • Day of the Month
  • Month
  • Year (2-digit)
  • Year (4-digit)
  • Day of the Week
  • Hour
  • Minute
  • Day of the Year

This field is only available if the segment type is Date.

Segment Number

The number that indicates the sequence of the mask segments. The sequence numbers do not need to be consecutive.

LN generates the segment numbers 10, 20, 30, and so on. If you wish, you can change the default number. For example, you can enter the segment number 25 to define a new segment that must appear between the existing segments 20 and 30.

Reset Frequency

If the mask contains a Sequence segment, you can specify the Reset Frequency. If the reset period expires, LN resets the sequence number to 1.

The reset period must be the same as the period that you selected for the date segment. For example, if the date type is Month, you can select a reset frequency of one month. If the mask contains more than one date segment, you can select any of the used date-segment periods as the reset frequency.

This field is available if the segment type is Sequence.


The alphanumeric string that is inserted into the identification code.

This field is only available if the segment type is Alphanumeric.

Segment Length

The segment length expressed as the number of positions.

You can specify the length if the mask segment is of one of the following types:

  • Option
  • Infor LN Field
  • Sequence

LN calculates the segment length if the mask segment is of one of the following types:

  • Alphanumeric
  • Translation Table
  • Date