Document Compliance Check Results (tcgtc1510m000)

Use this session to view document compliance check results for documents. The check results cannot be created or modified manually. However, you can override the failure results manually.



The logistic company for which the compliance check result is logged.


The business object for which the compliance check result is logged.

Business Object Reference

The business object reference of the document, for which the compliance check result is logged.


The code of the item.


The description or name of the code.

Business Partner

The code of the business partner.


The description or name of the code.


The address of the business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Trade Type

The type of process for which the compliance check result is generated.

Allowed values

Export / Import


The source of the document check.

Allowed values

Compliance Source

Kind of Check

The type of document check.

License ID

The ID of the license used for the internal check.


This field is not enabled if the Kind of Check field is set to External.


The description or name of the code.

Letter of Credit ID

The ID of the letter of credit (L/C) for which the compliance check is performed.

Checked by

The logon code of the user who performs the compliance check.

Check Date

The date on which the compliance check is performed.

Shipment Line Confirm

Indicates if the result is logged during the confirmation of the shipment line.

Check Result

The result of the compliance check.

Allowed values

Compliance Result

Failure Reason Code

The reason code for the failure of the compliance check.


Failure reasons for global trade compliance checks are defaulted from the Global Trade Compliance Parameters (tcgtc0100m000) session. Failure reasons for letter of credit (L/C) checks are defaulted from the Financial Global Trade Compliance Parameters (tcgtc9199m000) session.


The description or name of the code.


Indicates if the check result is approved by the user.

Workflow Status

The status that is applicable if the business object requires authorization approval using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is automatically created for the business object. The changes you submit are only effective after approval/check-in. You can also undo your changes, or recall your submitted changes.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Checked-out Objects (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriate menu of this session, select Workflow and execute the required action for the business object.

Allowed values

If the business object is checked out, this field displays an Object status.

If the business object is checked in, this field displays an Approval status.

If a description is specified for the object type in the Workflow Information Fields (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Object Types (ttocm0102m000) session), regardless if the object is checked in or out, this field always displays the value of the appropriate Description field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors at Infor Xtreme.


Indicates if the compliance check failure code is overridden.

Overridden by

The logon code of the user who overrides the compliance check failure.

Override Date

The date on which the compliance check failure is overridden.

Document Line

The business object type for which the compliance check is performed.