Sites (tcemm0150m000)

Use this session to view and maintain sites.

To create a new site, click New in the toolbar and specify the data of the new site in the Site (tcemm0650m000) session that opens.

To maintain a site, double-click the line of the site and adjust the data of the site in the Site (tcemm0650m000) session that opens.



A business location of an enterprise that can maintain its own logistical data. It includes a collection of warehouses, departments and assembly lines at the same location. Sites are used to model the supply chain in a multisite environment.

These restrictions apply to sites:

  • A site cannot cross countries. The warehouses and departments of the site must be in the same country as the site.
  • A site is linked to one planning cluster. Consequently, all warehouses and work centers of a site must belong to the same planning cluster.
  • A site is linked to one logistic company.

You can link a site to an enterprise unit or an enterprise unit to a site.

If an enterprise unit is linked to a site, the entities of the site belong to the enterprise unit. Conversely, if a site is linked to an enterprise unit, the entities of the enterprise unit belong to the site.

Planning Cluster

The planning cluster of the site.

A site is linked to one planning cluster. A planning cluster can perform planning for multiple sites, but a site cannot be linked to more than one planning cluster.

External Site

If this check box is selected, the site belongs to an external party such as a customer or a subcontractor.

An external site can include warehouses in which inventory owned by your company is stored, and for which your company performs planning.

If this check box is selected, you can specify a business partner, sold-to business partner, or a ship-to business partner in the equivalent fields.

Administrative Only

If this check box is selected, the site is an administrative site.

At an administrative site, only administrative tasks are performed. Production, logistics, or warehousing do not take place at an administrative site. An administrative site can only have these types of offices:

Also, for administrative sites planning clusters are unavailable.


The site's address.


The entities linked to the site must be located in the site's country.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Logistic Company

The site's logistic company.

The entities of the site must share this logistic company as their operational company.

Default value

The company in which the current session is started.

Calendar Code

The site's calendar code.

Availability Type

An indication of the type of activity for which a resource is available. With availability types, you can define multiple sets of working times for a single calendar.

For example, if a work center is available for production on Monday through Friday and available for service activities on Saturdays, you can define two availability types, one for production and one for service activities and link these availability types to the calendar for that work center.

Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit of the entities linked to the site.

You must only specify the enterprise unit that is shared by all the entities of the site.

Default Warehouse

The site's default warehouse can be defaulted on order headers generated from the site's entities.

Business Partner

If the site is external, you can optionally specify the business partner who owns the site.

Sold-to Business Partner

If the site is external, you can optionally specify the sold-to business partner who owns the site.

If an external planning cluster is linked to the site, the sold-to business partner is retrieved from the planning cluster and cannot be changed.

The status assigned to the business partner, which determines the actions that can be carried out for the business partner.

For example, you cannot specify a sales order for a business partner with status Prospect, or ship goods to a business partner with status Inactive.

If there are outstanding sales orders or open invoices for the business partner, you cannot change the status from Active to Prospect.

Allowed values

Business Partner Status

Ship-to Business Partner

If the site is external, you can optionally specify the ship-to business partner who owns the site.

If an external planning cluster is linked to the site, the sold-to business partner is retrieved from the planning cluster and cannot be changed.

The status assigned to the business partner, which determines the actions that can be carried out for the business partner.

For example, you cannot specify a sales order for a business partner with status Prospect, or ship goods to a business partner with status Inactive.

Allowed values

Business Partner Status

Ship-from Business Partner

If the site is external, you can optionally specify the ship-to business partner who owns the site.

If an external planning cluster is linked to the site, the sold-to business partner is retrieved from the planning cluster and cannot be changed.

Site Category

A classification providing information about the nature of a site.

Creation Date

The date and time on which the record is specified.

Created by

The user who specified the record.

Site Information 1

Free text field for additional information about the site.