Type of Invoice

  • Standard Invoice

    A document stating a list of prices of delivered goods and services that must be paid under certain conditions.

    This is the standard LN invoice and is posted to finance.

  • Pro Forma Invoice

    An estimated invoice sent in advance by a seller to a buyer in advance, related to a shipment or delivery of goods. This invoice includes the type and the quantity of goods, the value, as well as additional information such as weight and transportation charges. This invoice is different from a standard invoice because the invoice is not a demand or request for payment.

    This invoice is not posted to finance by LN.

  • Customs Invoice

    The extended form of commercial invoice required by customs (often in a specified format) that includes information such as the quantity, the selling price, the packing costs, terms of delivery and payment based on which the customs import value is determined at the Port of Destination.

    This invoice is not posted to finance by LN.

  • Not Applicable