Log Currency Differences

  • Automatically

    When the reconciliation transactions are balanced, LN automatically creates the currency difference postings through integration transactions. You must define a mapping for the currency difference integration document types. This option can be used for most Invoice Accrual reconciliation groups and some Interim Costs reconciliation groups.

  • Manually

    You can manually create the currency difference postings in the Calculate Currency Differences for Integration Accounts (tfgld4295m400) session. This session is based on the reconciliation data. You do not need to define a mapping for the integration document types for these currency differences. This option can be used for most interim accounts and for some end accounts that can be balanced.

  • Not

    Amounts on these accounts include the actual currency differences at the moment they are realized. This option can be used for most end accounts and some interim accounts that cannot be balanced in the reconciliation data (profit & loss accounts).