General Company Data (tccom0102s000)

Use this session to maintain the company data.


Introduction Date

The date and time until which the company data is valid. The company data is valid up to the effective date of a more recent company data setting.


The company number.


The name of the company.

Archive Company

If this check box is selected, the company is an archive company.

Archive-to Company

The archive company to which the company data is archived.


This field is visible only if the Archive Company is cleared.

Address Code

The default company address.


The company's home country. For example, this is important for tax reporting.


If you use a multicompany structure with an independent multicurrency system, you must select the same country for every company. The company's currency system is selected in the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

Mailing Number

The consignor's number. This number is the member number or customer number assigned to your organization by the carrier.


The default language used for instructions and documents printed in the company.

Related topics

Business Type

A way to group business partners with similar characteristics, for example, members of the EU, or subject to specific customs rules.


A business-partner type is not the same as a business-partner role or financial business-partner group.

Line of Business

A group of customers, suppliers, or employees that work in the same business sector.

Lines of business can be used as selection criteria when generating reports or inquiries of statistical and historical data.

Tax Number of Own Company

The company's tax number that must be used on tax declarations and tax reports.

Fiscal Identification

The company's fiscal identification for social contributions.

Chamber of Commerce ID

The company's registration number at the chamber of commerce.

Creditor Identifier

The creditor identifier (CI) that is required in the SEPA direct debit file. The identifier entered here will be defaulted to the Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000) session, where it can be overwritten.

Business Entity Identifier

The optional business entity identifier (BEI) for the direct debit company in the SEPA direct debit file.

SIA Company Code

The code assigned by the Società Interbancaria per l’Automazione (Interbank Association for Automation) to the current company.

This code is used in the following sessions:

  • Transfer Direct Debits (tfcmg4260s000)
  • Selected Trade Notes Receivable for Processing (tfcmg4526m000)
  • Audit Direct Debit Batch (tfcmg4255m000)