Publish LnMessage Data (tcbod0200m300)

Use this session to publish LN data to Infor ION Process using the LnMessage BOD. The published messages are used to send alerts and start workflows.

Usually, you publish data from this session once. However, if errors occur during the publication process or if ION Process needs a new set of data, you can rerun this session.

  • The tabs in this session represent the messages that can be published in the LnMessageBOD.
  • Use the Select All button to select all check boxes and the Clear All button to clear all check boxes in this session.
  • Publishing is not target specific, which means messages are delivered to all subscribers.



The number of records that must be simulated.

If you enter a value of 100, the first 100 records that fall within the selection criteria must be simulated.

Default value

The default value is zero, which means all records that fall within the selection range are simulated.


The company range for which the data must be published.

Use Verb

Specify what is published.

Allowed values

Use Verb

To Logical ID(s)

Show BODs do not use ION routes and are sent directly to other applications. Use this field to specify the logical IDs of the receiving application.


If this check box is selected, published BODs are logged.


Specify the log output.

Allowed values

Subject BOD Logging

Single XML-file per BOD

If this check box is selected, a separate log file is generated for each published BOD.

If this check box is cleared, one log file is generated with the XML contents of all published BODs.


This check box is only available if the Output is BOD.


The server or client to which the output files must be written.


The directory on the server or client to which the output files must be written.

Anticipated Payment

If this check box is selected, anticipated payments are published.

Billing Cycles

If this check box is selected, billing cycles are published.

Fiscal Periods

If this check box is selected, fiscal periods are published.

Maintenance Notification

If this check box is selected, maintenance notifications are published.

Purchase Contract Lines

If this check box is selected, purchase contract lines are published.

Purchase Schedule Lines

If this check box is selected, purchase schedule line are published.

Service Orders

If this check box is selected, service orders are published.



Publishes the data to Infor ION.

Select All

Selects all check boxes.

Clear All

Clears all check boxes.