Budget Account Distribution (tcbgc1100m000)

Use this session to display and maintain the ledger accounts or dimensions for the selected document line. The combinations of ledger accounts and dimensions are used to map the budget accounts on the first level of budget in the budget structure.

To modify the percentages of the item quantity, click Reconcile Current Line.


If the Authorization and Security functionality is implemented for budget account distribution, the usage of the fields such as GL Code, Account, or Dimension 1 is determined based on the specified Authorization Level in the Permissions for Financials (tcsec3160m000) session.


Business Object Type

The type of business object. Example: Budget Adjustment, Journal Voucher, Purchase Order and so on.

Business Object

The unique code that identifies a specific business object. For example, the business object ID of a Purchase Order business object is the purchase order number.

Business Object Reference

A transaction identification more detailed than the business object, for example, a receipt number or an order number. You can use the reference during reconciliation to match transactions if the business object alone does not provide enough information, for example, during GRNI reconciliation.


The business object reference is not the same as a reference link.


The sequence number of the generated line.

Purchase Order

An agreement that indicates which items are delivered by a buy-from business partner according to certain terms and conditions.

A purchase order contains:

  • A header with general order data, buy-from business partner data, payment terms, and delivery terms
  • One or more order lines with more detailed information about the actual items to be delivered

The lines on purchase orders that record detailed information about, for example:

  • The ordered items
  • The price agreements
  • The delivery dates
  • Shipping
  • Invoicing

You can have one or more lines on a purchase order.

Sold-to Business Partner

A party with whom you carry out business transactions, for example, a customer or a supplier. You can also define departments within your organization that act as customers or suppliers to your own department as business partners.

The business partner definition includes:

  • The organization's name and main address.
  • The language and currency used.
  • Taxation and legal identification data.

You address the business partner in the person of the business partner's contact. The business partner's status determines if you can carry out transactions. The transactions type (sales orders, invoices, payments, shipments) is defined by the business partner's role.


The business partner's name.


A record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item, person, or concern. The bank account is identified by a number.

LN can be set to check bank account numbers when you enter them. If the account number does not pass the check, LN displays a warning message.

EBS Batch

A batch that converts a sequential file of electronic bank statements to Financials.


The sequence number of the purchase order line.


The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

The description or name of the code.


The quantity that must be delivered according to the terms on the order line. The quantity is expressed in the purchase unit or the sales unit of the item.


The percentage of the quantity distributed.

GL Code

Represents a ledger account and the corresponding dimensions. GL codes are used to represent ledger accounts to users who are not familiar with the structure of the chart of accounts.

To specific logistic transactions, you can link a GL code. Such integration transactions are mapped directly to the ledger account and dimensions of the GL code, they are not included in the mapping process.


A register used to record financial transactions and to accumulate the values of the transactions for reporting and analysis. The ledger accounts classify the transactions into categories such as revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities.


The quantity of the item after the budget account distribution.

Dimension 1

Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.


The unit in which the item quantity is expressed.

Budget Check Date

The date on which the budget check is performed.

Budget Exception

If this check box is selected, there is a budget exception to be handled.

Quantity in Inventory Unit

The quantity of the item displayed in the required inventory unit.


The inventory unit in which the item quantity is expressed.


The transaction line amount.


The currency in which the transaction line amount is expressed.

Purchase Requisition

The description or name of the code.

Purchase Invoice

Purchased goods that are received, inspected (if required), and posted to inventory are placed on a purchase invoice. You must pay the buy-from business partner for the quantity on the invoice.

The buy-from business partner, order, item data, prices, and discounts are printed on the invoice. You can compare the data on the invoice to the invoice you receive from the buy-from business partner.

Standing Order

An order to which no invoices are linked, for example, recurring payments.

Transaction Type

A user-defined three-position code used to identify documents. The series linked to the transaction type give documents the sequence number.

Transaction Document

The transaction document number.

Warehouse Order

A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.

Warehouse Order

All goods that are transported to a specific address on a specific date and time by using a specific route. An identifiable part of a load.

Receipt Line

The warehouse receipt number.

Shipment Line

An individual line of detail in a shipment.