Defining distances

You can define geographical distances in varying degrees of detail:

  • You can specify distance between two specific zip codes.

  • You can specify distance between two states or zip code ranges.

Distance table by city

You can specify the distance by city or by state. When searching for the distance by city, the search sequence defined in the table is:

country, state, citycountry, state, city
country, state, citycountry, state, citycalculates the reverse distance if you enter only the To field.
country, state, citycountry, state
country, state, citycountry, statecalculates the reverse distance if you enter only the To field.
country, statecountry, state, city
country, statecountry, state, citycalculates the reverse distance if you enter only the To field.
country, statecountry, state
country, statecountry, statecalculates the reverse distance if you enter only the To field.



You cannot specify only the country in the From and To fields. You must enter one of the following:

  • State
  • City
State - FromState – To
Mandatory when the country entered in the From field has states defined for it.Mandatory when the country specified in the To field has states defined for it.
Mandatory when city is not specified in the From field.Mandatory when city is not specified in the To field.


City – FromCity – To
Mandatory when state is not specified in the From field.Mandatory when state is not defined in the To field.


Distance table by zip code/postal code

To search for distance by zip code/postal code you can enter a specific code or can specify a range of zip codes/postal codes. LN

The codes are prioritized in the following sequence:

  1. Specific zip code/postal code.

  2. Range of zip codes/postal codes.