Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain freight order clusters generated in the Generate Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3200m000) session. In the current session, freight order cluster headers are maintained.

In the Print Subcontracting Instructions (fmfoc3410m000), which is accessible from the toolbar or the Print submenu of the File menu, you can print the subcontracting instructions for freight order clusters. Freight order cluster lines are maintained in the Freight Order Cluster Lines (fmfoc3101m000) session.


Use the Maps section to view the location of the Address and the Address. You must select only one record at a time.


Freight Order Cluster

The identification code of a freight order cluster.

Cluster Status

The status of the cluster.

Cluster with Committed Inventory Only

If this check box is selected, only freight order lines with committed quantities are added to the freight order cluster. The setting of this check box is derived from the Cluster with Committed Inventory Only check box in the Generate Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3200m000) session.

Cluster by Address

If this check box is selected, the freight order lines of the cluster are clustered by ship-from and ship-to address.

This check box is selected if the Cluster by Address check box is selected in the Generate Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3200m000) session.

Related topics

User Name

The user login code that is used to create the cluster. To run the freight order line clustering batch process, a user must be authorized to use the shipping office and planning group of the freight orders and freight order lines that he wants to subcontract.

User Name

The name of the user under whose login code the cluster was created. To run the freight order line clustering batch process, a user must be authorized to use the shipping office and planning group of the freight orders and freight order lines that he wants to subcontract.

Ship-from Company

The company for which the ship-from business partner, warehouse, project, or work center is defined.


The type of location or organization from which the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current freight order cluster originate. The ship types warehouse, work center, or department must belong to the current logistic company.


The identification code of the ship-from location or organization.


The name of the ship-from location or organization.


The address code of the ship-from location or organization.


The address description of the ship-from location or organization.

Ship-to Company

The company for which the ship-to business partner, warehouse, project, or work center is defined.


The type of location or organization for which the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current freight order cluster are destined. This is the location or organization where the goods are unloaded. The ship types warehouse, work center, or department must belong to the current logistic company.


The identification code of the ship-to location or organization.


The name of the ship-to location or organization.


The address code of the ship-to location or organization.


The address description of the ship-to location or organization.

Ship-from Site

The code of the site from where the goods are Shipped.

Related topics

Ship-to Site

The code of the site to which the goods are Shipped.

Related topics

Number of Cluster Lines

The number of freight order cluster lines included in the cluster.

Number of Cost Lines

The number of additional cost lines included in the current cluster. For further information, see To allocate additional costs.

Cluster Text

Additional information about the current cluster. To enter text, click this field to activate the cursor and start typing.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner defined for the carrier. Usually, the invoice-from business partner is the carrier’s department that sent the invoice for transport costs.

Invoice-from BP

The name or description of the invoice-from business partner defined for the carrier. Usually, the invoice-from business partner is the carrier’s department that sent the invoice for transport costs.

Open Balance

The amount of all outstanding freight costs of the sold-to business partner of the carrier.

Open Balance

The currency in which the Open Balance is expressed.

Pay-to Business Partner

The pay-to business partner defined for the carrier. Usually, this is the carrier’s department to whom the carrier invoice must be paid.


The invoice-from business partner and the pay-to business partner must be related and both must be active and cannot be prospects. In addition, both the invoice-from and the pay-to business partners must be related to the buy-from business partner of the carrier.

Pay-to Business Partner

The name or description of the pay-to business partner defined for the carrier. Usually, this is the carrier’s department to whom the carrier invoice must be paid.

Payment Terms

The payment terms that apply to payments made to the carrier. The default value of this field is taken from the originating orders of the freight order lines related to the cluster.

Payment Terms

The description of the payment terms that apply to payments made to the carrier. The default value of this field is taken from the originating orders of the freight order lines related to the cluster.

Payment Method

The payment method that applies to payments made to the business partner defined for the carrier. The default value of this field is taken from the originating orders of the freight order lines related to the cluster. The payment method that you select in this field must be of the payment type.

Payment Method

The description of the payment method that applies to payments made to the business partner defined for the carrier. The default value of this field is taken from the originating orders of the freight order lines related to the cluster. The payment method that you select in this field must be of the payment type.

Payment Agreement

A schedule for the generation of monthly billing invoices. For example, you can define a closing method to generate two monthly billing invoices during a month: one on the 15th day and one at the end of the month

Purchase Type

A purchase order property that enables you to identify the kind of purchase made and in this way, the kind of payable. This property is used to post the purchase to the correct Accounts Payable account when the invoice is created. To post a purchase invoice, LN retrieves the control account from the purchase type linked to the purchase order line.

Related topics

Purchase Type

The description of the purchase type.

Invoice Status

The freight invoice status is updated by the Accounts Payable module of LN Financials or by LN Invoicing Invoice Status.

Related topics

Invoice Document

The invoice document number is updated by the Accounts Payable module of Financials.

Invoice Transaction Type

The financial invoice transaction type is updated by the Accounts Payable module of Financials.

Invoice Transaction Type

The description of the financial invoice transaction type.

Invoice Date

The entry date of the freight cost invoice that is sent to the business partner.


If this check box is selected, the invoice is exempted from tax.

Tax Country

The country whose taxation regulations apply to the current invoice. The tax country is defaulted from the country of the business partner defined for the carrier.


The name of the country whose taxation regulations apply to the current invoice. The tax country is defaulted from the country of the business partner defined for the carrier.

Tax ID

A number used to identify legal persons or businesses. The tax authorities assign the tax numbers to the registered businesses. Your business partners must provide you with their tax number. Business partners without a tax number are considered to be private persons.

Tax Code

A code that identifies the tax rate and determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts. The default tax code for freight orders is defined in the Freight Invoicing Parameters (fmfri0100m000) session.


For the specified tax code, if the Aggregate Tax check box is selected in the Tax Code by Country (tcmcs0136s000) session, the Tax Breakdown Structure button is enabled.

Tax Code

The description of the Tax Code.

BP Tax Country

The country whose taxation regulations apply to the business partner that receives the current internal invoice.

BP Tax Number

The business partner's tax ID.

Tax Exemption Reason

The reason code for being exempt from taxation for the external invoice.

Tax Exemption Certificate Number

A certificate certifying the state of being exempt from tax. Some enterprises are exempt from taxes within the jurisdiction of certain tax authorities. This applies to external invoices.


The currency in which the freight costs and freight value are expressed.


The currency in which the freight costs and freight value are expressed.


The currency in which the freight costs and freight value are expressed.

Exchange Rate Type

The type of exchange rate used to calculate amounts in various currencies.

Exchange Rate Type

The description of the type of exchange rate used to calculate amounts in various currencies.

Rate Determiner

The rate determiner defines which date is used to determine the exchange rate. The rate determiner also defines which currencies are written off between the invoice date and the payment date.

Currency Rate

The rate used to calculate a particular amount in a different currency.

Rate Factor

Rate factors are used to avoid extremely high or low values of a currency exchange rate.

Rate Factor

Rate factors are used to avoid extremely high or low values of a currency exchange rate.

Planned Freight Value

The value of the goods before transportation is carried out. The value in this field is filled from the originating order or the freight order. The freight value can be used for the calculation of the additional costs.

Shipped Freight Value

The value of the goods that have actually been shipped. This value is calculated from the shipped quantity of the goods.

Estimated Freight Cost

The freight costs calculated during the freight order clustering process or the load building process. You can click Cost Inquiry for detailed information on the estimated freight costs. If required, you can enter a different amount. If invoicing is based on a carrier invoice and the carrier invoice has been matched in Financials, the estimated costs cannot be changed. The actual freight costs from the carrier invoice can differ from this amount.

Actual Freight Cost

The estimated freight costs set to Actual Cost Final for a load or a freight order cluster by the user, or the actual amount invoiced by a carrier to the shipping office to carry out the transportation of particular goods.

Recalculate for Invoice Amount

If this check box is selected, on account of partial deliveries or over-deliveries, the user is recommended to recalculate the freight cost amount.

Actual Cost Final

If invoicing is based on a carrier invoice, this check box is selected automatically when the invoice from the carrier is matched and approved in Financials for all the cluster lines of the cluster. If no carrier invoice exists, this check box is selected if you make the estimated costs actual. To make the estimated costs actual, on the appropriate menu, select Set Actual Cost--> Final.

Calculate Additional Costs

If you select this check box, additional costs are calculated if additional costs apply to any of the cluster lines of the current cluster.

Carrier/LSP Invoice

If this check box is selected, the carrier invoices your organization with transportation costs. To invoice the business partner to compensate for the costs incurred from the carrier invoice, the actual costs are taken from the carrier invoice, which is stored in the Accounts Payable module of Financials.

If this check box is cleared,, the carrier does not invoice your organization for transportation costs. To invoice the business partner with the transport costs actually incurred, you can make the estimated costs actual when the final changes to the estimated costs are made on the cluster. To make the estimated costs actual, on the appropriate menu, select Set Actual Cost--> Final.


The aggregated weight of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster before transportation has taken place.


The measuring unit in which the weight is expressed. The default measuring units used in Freight are defined in the Freight Master Data Parameters (fmfmd0100m000) session.


The aggregated volume of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster before transportation has taken place.


The measuring unit in which the volume is expressed. The default measuring units used in Freight are defined in the Freight Master Data Parameters (fmfmd0100m000) session.

Floor Space

The aggregated surface area of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster before transportation has taken place.

Floor Space

The measuring unit in which the surface area is expressed. The default measuring units used in Freight are defined in the Freight Master Data Parameters (fmfmd0100m000) session.

Shipped Weight

The aggregated weight of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster after the goods are shipped.

Shipped Volume

The aggregated volume of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster after the goods are shipped.

Shipped Floor Space

The aggregated surface area of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster after the goods are shipped.

Delivered Weight

The aggregated weight of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster that have actually been delivered.

Delivered Volume

The aggregated volume of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster that have actually been delivered.

Delivered Floor Space

The aggregated surface area of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster that have actually been delivered.


The carrier to whom the goods must be subcontracted. The value in this field is either taken from the Carrier/LSP field of the freight order lines included in the current cluster, or was selected by LN as part of the freight order line clustering process. If required, you can select a carrier other than the carrier selected for the current cluster, even if the Carrier/LSP Binding check box is selected. If this field is empty, LN could not find a suitable carrier. You can manually enter the carrier to whom you want to subcontract the cluster. The carrier must be present for the shipping office and planning group of the cluster. The carrier must have a buy-from business partner for cost calculation.


The description of the Carrier/LSP.

Carrier/LSP Binding

If this check box is selected, a binding carrier was selected for the freight order lines included in the current cluster. LN cannot change a binding carrier when selecting a carrier during the freight order line clustering process, but you can manually change a binding carrier in this field. Sometimes, you might be required to change the carrier, for example, if the binding carrier is not available.

Carrier/LSP Selection Criterion

The carrier selection criterion selected in the Generate Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3200m000) session.

Freight All Kinds

The value in this field is taken from the freight class entered for the freight order lines included in the current cluster.

Freight All Kinds

The value in this field is taken from the freight class entered for the freight order lines included in the current cluster.

Carrier Tracking Number

The number provided by the carrier to identify the load. The carrier uses this number for load tracking purposes.

Transport Means Group

The carrier selected for the current cluster is advised to use vehicles of this transport means group to transport the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster. For the transport means group selected in this field, the Independent Use Allowed check box must be selected. Note that if you select a transport means group, you cannot select a transport means combination. If a transport means combination is selected, you cannot select a transport means group.

The value in this field is either taken from the Transport Means Group field of the freight order lines included in the current cluster, or was selected by LN as part of the freight order line clustering process. If required, you can select a different transport means group.

If this field is empty, LN could not find a suitable transport means group. You can manually enter the transport means group that must be used to transport the goods. The transport means group must exist for the carrier selected for the cluster. In addition, the transport type and combination code of the transport means group must be the same as the transport type and combination code of the freight order cluster.

Transport Means Group

The description of the Transport Means Group

Transport Type

The transport type required to transport the current cluster’s goods. This field is filled from the freight order lines on which the cluster is based. If a transport means combination or a transport means group is selected in the current session and a transport type exists for the transport means group or transport means combination, the transport type is taken from the transport means combination or transport means group. You must not change this value.

Transport Type

The description of the Transport Type.

Combination Code

The combination code relating to the current cluster’s goods. This field is filled from the freight order lines on which the cluster is based. If a transport means group or transport means combination is inserted for the current freight order cluster, the combination code of the freight order cluster must be the same as the combination code of the selected transport means group or transport means combination, unless the selected transport means group or transport means combination has no combination code.

Combination Code

The description of the Combination Code.

Planned Distance

The distance between the ship-from and the ship-to addresses that the carrier must cover to deliver the goods listed on the cluster lines. This distance is entered before transportation has taken place. You can manually enter a distance, or use the Calc Distance command to calculate the distance.

Planned Distance

The distance unit used to express the planned distance.

Actual Distance

The distance that the carrier has traveled to transport the goods. You can enter the actual distance when the carrier has provided you with this information.


The aggregated piece unit quantity of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster before transportation has taken place. Note that if the cluster lines include items with different piece units without conversion factors between them, no piece units and no piece unit totals are shown.

Shipped Pieces

The aggregated piece unit quantity of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster after the goods are shipped. Note that if the cluster lines include items with different piece units without conversion factors between them, no piece units and no piece unit totals are shown.

Delivered Pieces

The aggregated piece unit quantity of the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current cluster that have actually been delivered. Note that if the cluster lines include items with different piece units without conversion factors between them, no piece units and no piece unit totals are shown.

Piece Unit

The piece unit for the item. Note that if the cluster lines include items with different piece units without conversion factors between them, no piece units and no piece unit totals are shown.

If a transport means group or transport means combination is inserted for the current freight order cluster, the piece unit of the freight order cluster must be the same as the piece unit of the selected transport means group or transport means combination, unless the selected transport means group or transport means combination has no piece unit.

Planned Load Date

The planned date and time on which loading is to take place at the ship-from location. You can enter the planned load date from the carrier, if this date is known.

Earliest Load Date

The earliest date and time on which loading can take place at the ship-from location. This date is the minimum date of all freight orders related to the cluster lines of the current cluster.

Latest Load Date

The latest date and time on which loading can take place at the ship-from location. This date is the maximum date of the freight orders related to the cluster lines of the current cluster.

Actual Load Date

The date and time on which loading has actually been carried out. You can enter the actual load date when the carrier has provided you with this information.

Planned Unload Date

The planned date and time on which unloading is to take place at the ship-from location. You can enter the planned unload date from the carrier, if this date is known.

Earliest Unload Date

The earliest date and time on which unloading can take place at the ship-to location. This date is the minimum date of the freight orders related to the cluster lines of the current cluster.

Latest Unload Date

The latest date and time on which unloading can take place at the ship-to location. This date is the latest unload date of all freight orders related to the cluster lines of the current cluster.

Actual Unload Date

The date and time on which unloading has actually been carried out. You can enter the actual unload date when the carrier has provided you with this information.

Shipment Procedure

The shipment procedure that applies to the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current freight order cluster.

Shipment Procedure

The description of the Shipment Procedure

Freight Service Level

The service level that applies to the goods listed on the cluster lines of the current freight order cluster.

Freight Service Level

The description of the Freight Service Level.

Delivery Terms

The delivery terms that apply to the recipient of the goods, and the goods themselves, listed on the cluster lines of the current freight order cluster.

Delivery Terms

The description of the Delivery Terms.

Point of Title Passage

The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.

Shipping Office

The shipping office of the freight orders of the freight order lines included in the cluster. All freight order lines grouped into a cluster must be related to the same shipping office.

Shipping Office

The description of the Shipping Office.

Planning Group

The planning group of the freight order lines included in the cluster. All freight order lines grouped into a cluster must have the same planning group.

Planning Group

The description of the Planning Group.


A free text field, in which you can enter a descriptive text or code. Entries in this field are not unique.

Single Shipment Order

If this check box is selected, the cluster consists of freight order lines that belong to the same freight order. For this freight order, the SingleShipment check box is selected.

Single Shipment Order Line

If this check box is selected, the cluster consists of a single freight order line. For this freight order line, the SingleShipment check box is selected.

Cluster Changed

This check box is selected automatically for clusters with the Actual status if LN makes at least one of the following changes to the cluster:

  • At least one cluster line has been removed from the cluster.
  • Changes such as planned quantities, which do not affect the cluster header, have been made to one or more of the freight order lines related to the cluster lines.
Cluster Text

If this check box is selected, some additional information about the cluster is available. This information appears in the Cluster Text field, which you can find on the Contents tab of the current session.

Motive of Transport

motive of transport This field is available if the delivery note functionality is used for the current freight planning company.

Delivery Code

delivery code This field is available if the delivery note functionality is used for the current freight planning company.

Creation Date

The date and time the cluster was generated.


Retrieve Status

Use this command to retrieve the status of the freight invoice from the Accounts Payable module of Financials.

Approved Invoices

Use this command to obtain an overview of the invoices generated in the Accounts Payable module of Financials for the current freight order cluster.

Print Freight Order Clusters

Starts the Print Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3400m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.

Calculate Freight Cost

Use this command to calculate the estimated freight costs for the current cluster. For example, if the applicable freight rates have recently been changed, it can be useful to recalculate the freight costs for the cluster. Changes in freight rates do not trigger automatic or interactive freight cost recalculation as controlled by the Recalculation of Freight Costs parameter in the Freight Rates and Costs Parameters (fmfrc0100m000) session.


Use this command to make the estimated freight costs of the cluster actual and final to indicate that no further changes to the freight cost are expected. If changes occur nevertheless, to undo this setting, on the appropriate menu, select Set Actual Cost--> Not Final.

These options are available if:

  • The status of the cluster is Completed.
  • Invoicing is based on a carrier invoice, that is, if the Carrier/LSP Invoice check box for the current cluster is selected.
  • The Transport Costing in the Freight Rates and Costs Parameters (fmfrc0100m000) session is selected.

For more information, refer to Invoicing methods and The invoicing process.

Not Final

Use this command to undo the Set Actual Cost--> Final setting.

Undo Actualize

Use this command to reset selected Actual clusters to Clustered.

Filter by Status

This command offers the following view filters for the current session:

  • Show all clusters.
  • Show clusters with the Clustered status.
  • Show clusters with the Actual status.
  • Show clusters with the Subcontracted status.

View all clusters. This is the default view.


Show clusters with the Clustered status.


Show clusters with the Actual status.


Show clusters with the Subcontracted status.

Calc Distance

Calculate the distance between the ship-from address and the ship-to address.

Tax Breakdown Structure

Starts the Tax Breakdown Structure (tctax0140m100) session that displays the tax structure defined for the selected tax code.

Note: For a specific tax code, this button is enabled only if the Aggregate Tax check box is selected in the Tax Code by Country (tcmcs0136s000) session.