Freight Order Lines - Overview (fmfoc2501m200)

This session provides an overview of the freight order lines entered in Freight. Each row shows the main data of a freight order line. If you double-click a row, the Freight Order Lines (fmfoc2101m000) session displays showing the full details of the selected freight order line.


Freight Order

The order number of the freight-order header to which the freight order line belongs.

Freight Order

The position number identifies the position of the freight order line on the freight order.

Planned Unload Date

The planned date and time that unloading is to take place at the ship-to location.

Transport Means Group

A classification used to group means of transport, such as:

  • Vans
  • Trucks
  • Container ships
  • Cargo aircraft

For each group, properties are defined, such as:

  • The average speed
  • The loading capacity

Each means of transport defined in Freight belongs to a transport means group. For example, transport means group: Vans, means of transport: van with licence number XX333444 .

Planning Group

The planning group of the freight order line.

Order Origin

The origin of the freight order to which the current freight order line belongs. The origin is the order from which the freight order is created. For example, if the goods listed on a sales orders require transportation, a freight order is created from the sales order.

Originating Order

The order identification number of the originating order.

Originating Order

The position number of the originating order.

Originating Order

The sequence number of the originating order line.


The status of the freight order line.

Standard Route

The standard route of the freight order line.


The carrier that is to carry out the transportation of the goods.

Planned Load Date

The date and time loading is to take place at the ship-from location.

Route Plan

A network of loading and unloading addresses, one of which is a pooling point. A route plan is usually defined for routes that involve multi-modal transport. A route plan consists of one or more legs. Each leg, or part of the route, can be handled differently depending on the specified transport category and transport means group.

Quantity to be Transported

The quantity of the item to be transported.

Freight Class

A classification of an item in terms of:

  • Product density (pounds per square foot)
  • Stowage (size, weight, and shape)
  • Handling
  • Liability (the item's value)

Freight classification is a criteria that is used to determine an item's transportation price. In LN, a freight class can also serve as a criterion that determines the planning group of order lines. Freight classes are mainly used in the U.S.

Quantity to be Transported

The unit used to express the quantity.

Freight Value

The value of the goods that are transported. The value in this field is filled from the originating order. You can also manually enter a freight value. The freight value can be used for the calculation of the additional costs.

Freight Value

A generally accepted medium of exchange such as coins, treasury notes, and banknotes.

The following currency types are available in LN:

  • Home currency, which is used internally by companies to calculate costs, record budgets, and register tax amounts
  • Transaction currency, which is used in transactions with business partners, such as orders and invoices


Print Freight Orders

Starts the Print Freight Orders (fmfoc2400m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.