Lead-Time Analysis (cprrp1150m000)

You can zoom to the Lead-Time Analysis (cprrp1150m000) session from the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

Use this session to see of which lead-time components the total lead time of the selected planned order consists, and in which session each of the lead-time components is defined.

In addition, Enterprise Planning displays the calendar and the availability type used to offset each lead-time component.

For planned production orders Enterprise Planning also displays the corresponding routing operation number of production lead-time components such as the queue time, average setup time, run time, and waiting time.

In addition, for planned production orders Enterprise Planning displays the resource where operations are executed.

For the warehouse inbound and outbound lead time, LN displays the involved warehouse in the Resource field.

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The lead-time components of which the total order lead time is built up.

Lead Time

The lead-time value for this lead-time component, which Enterprise Planning retrieves from the session displayed in the Session field.


The session from which Enterprise Planning retrieves the lead-time component.


The resource where the operation is executed, if the lead-time component relates to a planned production order.

This can be a work center, a warehouse, a calculation office, or a carrier.


The calendar that Enterprise Planning uses to offset the lead-time component.

Availability Type

The availability type linked to the specified calendar.

Lead Time

The time unit used to express the lead-time component, and which you must select in the session from which Enterprise Planning retrieves the lead-time component.


The routing operation number for lead-time components of planned production orders.