Supplying Relationships (cprpd7130m000)

Use this session to list the supplying relationships.


Plan Level

The level within a hierarchical planning structure.

When you plan on a higher plan level, plans are general and less detailed.


Plan level 1 is the highest plan level; the higher the number, the lower the plan level.

You can carry out distribution planning with product families, because each plan level has its own supplying relationships.

Receiving Planning Cluster

The planning cluster of the receiving item.

Receiving Item Group

The item group that receives the item.

Receiving Item

The receiving plan item.

If this field is empty, the supplying relationship applies to all items of the specified receiving planning cluster or the specified receiving item group.


The number that identifies a data record or a step in a sequence of activities. Sequence numbers are used in many contexts. Usually LN generates the sequence number for the next item or step. Depending on the context, you can overwrite this number.

Effectivity Date

The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.

Expiry Date

The last day on which a record is valid. If you do not specify an expiry time, the validity expires at the end of the expiry date, at 24:00 hours.

Supplying Company

The company from which a plan item is delivered through the multicompany distribution structure.


If the supplying company and the receiving company are identical, the supplying relationship serves the planning of multiple warehouses that belong to the same company.

Related topics

Supplying Planning Cluster

The planning cluster of the supplying item is the planning cluster from which the receiving item, or the receiving planning cluster, is supplied.

Supplying Item

The item code of the plan item at the supplying company.

The item code of the supplying item can differ from the item code of the receiving item.

If the Receiving Item field is empty, you cannot enter an item in the Supplying Item field. In that case, the supplying relationship is only used for items that have identical item codes in the supplying company and the receiving company.

You must fill either the Supplying Planning Cluster or the Supplying Item field.

Miscellaneous Data
Generate Freight Order

If this check box is selected, LN generates freight orders during an MRP run in the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session.

Supplying Relation Text

If this check box is selected, additional comments regarding the supplying relation are present.

Supplying Details
Supply Cost

The cost incurred in transferring the item to the receiving company.

The supplier selection procedure applies this information if the priority rule is Least Cost.

The supply cost is defined as the amount per unit of ordered product. The supply cost is defined in the currency of the receiving company.

Add the material cost and the production cost of the supplier to the supplying cost to determine the total cost of supply.


The percentage of the total required volume that is planned for this supplying relationship.

The supplier selection procedure uses this information if the allocation rule is Percentage or Percentage/Capable.


If the sum of the percentages is not equal to 100%, during planning, LN rescales these percentages to total 100%.

Example: If two supplying relationships exist for a receiving plan item, of both 80%, the result, after rescaling, are two supplying relationships of both 50%.

Minimum Order Quantity

The minimum quantity of items to be purchased or produced. When planned orders are generated, the quantity of items to be purchased or produced is never less than the minimum order quantity. The minimum order quantity prevents the purchase or production of this item in quantities that are too small.

If the required quantity is too little, the supplier selection procedure searches another supplying relationship.

If the required quantity does not match any supplying relationship this constraint is ignored.

Maximum Order Quantity

The maximum quantity of items to be purchased or produced at once.

When planned orders are generated, the quantity of items to be purchased or produced at once is never more than the maximum order quantity. The maximum order quantity prevents the purchase or production of an item in quantities that are too large.

If the required quantity is too large, the supplier selection procedure searches another supplying relationship.

If the required quantity does not match any supplying relationship this constraint is ignored.

Supply Resource

The resource whose calendar defines the workdays and working times of the warehouse that receives the goods. If the date of a requirement falls in a vacation period, the receipt is scheduled at an earlier date.

If the Carrier field is empty, the supply calendar also defines the workdays for the interpretation of the Supply Lead Time field. LN uses the basic capacity defined in the Resources (cprpd2100m000) session to convert workdays to working hours.


Leave the Supply Resource field and the Carrier field empty to obtain the best system performance.

Supply Lead Time

The total time required to obtain an item from a supplying company. The total time includes order document preparation, sourcing, and supplier lead time.

If the Supply Resource field is empty, the supply lead time is defined in calendar days. Otherwise, the supply lead time is defined in workdays.

This field is not used if a carrier has been defined in the Carrier field. See To compute supply lead-times.

Supply Lead Time

Select Hours or Days as time unit for the Supply Lead Time.


An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.

The supply lead time is calculated based on

  • Distance tables
  • The carrier's transport category
  • The central calendar of the carrier
Minimum Volume

The minimum quantity that must be reached when you add up the ordered quantities of all planned distribution orders for this supplying relationship.

This constraint forces the planning engine to order at least this minimum volume through this relationship. You can define a minimum volume to comply with contractual agreements for minimum ordered quantities.


This constraint refers to the quantities of current orders. If an order is executed, and the goods are delivered, you may have to create new distribution orders to keep the total ordered volume above the value of the Minimum Volume field.

Maximum Volume

The maximum quantity for the sum of the ordered quantities of all planned distribution orders for this supplying relationship.

This constraint ensures that the planning engine order no more than this maximum volume through this relationship. You can use this, for example, to comply with contractual agreements.


This constraint refers to the quantities of current orders. If an order is carried out, and the goods are delivered, you are free to create new distribution orders as long as the total ordered volume stays below the value of the Maximum Volume field.

Maximum Days Early

delivery date tolerance (-)

The following example describes the use of this field.

Example Maximum Days Early: 5 Maximum Days Overdue: 10

If the requirements date falls on the 15th of January this supplying relationship can only be used if the supplying company/planning cluster can deliver:

  • No earlier than January 10th.
  • No later than January 25th.

If a supplying item cannot meet these constraints, the planning item searches for an alternative supplying relationship.

Maximum Days Overdue

The number of days late that a supplier can make a delivery.

The following example describes the use of this field.

Example Maximum Days Early: 5 Maximum Days Overdue: 10

If the requirements date falls on the 15th of January this supplying relationship can only be used if the supplying company/planning cluster can deliver

  • No earlier than January 10th.
  • No later than January 25th.

If a supplying item cannot meet these constraints, the planning item searches for an alternative supplying relationship.


A ranking of the supplying relationship. If the priority rule is Priority, LN first attempts to find a supplying relationship with a high priority.

The number 0 indicates a high priority. The number 999 is the lowest priority.


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