Transfer Order Planning (cppat1210m000)

Use this session to to transfer planned orders from Enterprise Planning to the execution level. You can also transfer production plan and purchase plan.

Origin of the transferred orders

You can transfer order from the actual scenario only. The types of planned supply that can be transferred:

Destination of the transferred orders

  • Planned production orders and production plans are translated to production order in the Job Shop Control module in Manufacturing.
  • Planned purchase orders and purchase plans are translated to purchase orders in Procurement.
  • Planned distribution orders for single-company distribution are translated to warehouse orders in the Warehouse Orders module in Warehousing.
  • Planned distribution orders for multicompany distribution are translated to purchase orders in Procurement.
  • Cost Peg Transfers (as in session Project Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000))


Actual Scenario

The scenario that contains the operational master plan or order plan, as opposed to scenarios used only for simulation, that is, what-if analysis.

The actual scenario is the only scenario from which you can transfer planned orders to the execution level.

LN only transfers planned orders for the actual scenario.

Planned Order Group

If this check box is selected, Enterprise Planning transfers the production-order group that you specify in the Planned Order Group field, which is one of the Production data.

If you select this check box, the other options in the order selection group become unavailable.


You can create a production-order group in the Create Order Group for Planned Orders (cppat3250m000) session.


If this check box is selected, LN transfers the planned purchase orders for the selected plan items to the Purchase Control module.

Cost Peg Transfers

If this check box is selected, LN transfers the cost peg transfers for the selected items with the status Planned.

Job Shop

If this check box is selected, LN transfers the selected range of planned production orders (for the selected items) to the Job Shop Control module.


If this check box is selected, LN does not transfer planned production orders that belong to an order group.

Purchase Plan

If this check box is selected, LN converts the purchase plan of the specified plan item range to planned purchase orders, and transfers these purchase orders to Procurement.

The order quantity of the planned purchase orders that LN creates depends on the values you defined in the Maximum Order Quantity field and the Minimum Order Quantity field in the Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session, and the planned requirement date of the purchase order is equal to the start date of the plan period in which the purchase plan is defined.

Although the planned purchase orders that LN creates have the order status Planned, you do not have to check the Transfer Status Planned as Well check box to transfer planned purchase orders derived from a purchase plan to execution level.


If the transfer process of the planned purchase orders fails, LN does not convert the planned purchase orders back into a purchase plan. The planned purchase orders that LN was able to create remain to exist.

Production Plan

If this check box is selected, LN converts the production plan of the specified plan item range to planned production orders, and transfers these production orders to the Job Shop Control module of Manufacturing.

The planned requirement date of the planned production orders that LN creates is equal to the start date of the plan period in which the production plan is defined.

Although the planned production orders that LN creates have the order status Planned, you do not have to check the Transfer Status Planned as Well check box to transfer planned production orders derived from a production plan to execution level.


If the transfer process of the planned production orders fails, LN does not convert the planned production orders back into a production plan. The planned production orders that LN was able to create remain to exist.


If this check box is selected, LN transfers the planned distribution orders for the selected plan items to purchase orders in Procurement, or to warehousing order in the Warehouse Orders module in Warehousing.

You can specify a range of planned orders and a range of supplying companies.

On the Purchase/Distribute tab, you can:

  • Define a range of planned distribution orders.
  • Specify a range of logistical companies that are involved in multicompany transactions in the Supply Chain Relationships From and To field.
  • Specify the purchase order type and the production order series for multicompany distribution orders that LN transfers to purchase orders.
Selection Range
From Plan Item

Specify the first of a range of plan items for which LN must transfer the selected order type(s).


The From and To fields define a range of: site.

Related topics

Item Group

Specify the first of a range of item groups that you want to use as a criterion to select planned orders or production plans for transfer.


Specify the first of a range of warehouses that you want to use as a criterion to select orders for transfer.

LN takes into account the warehouse you specified in the Ordering Warehouse field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.


Specify the first of a range of planners that you want to use a criterion to select orders for transfer.


If the Exclude Planner on Purchase Order check is selected in the Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session, the planner will be cleared when a new purchase order is generated.


Specify the range of buyers that you want to use a criterion to select orders for transfer.

Related topics

Product Line

Specify the first of a range of product lines that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for transfer.

Product Class

Specify the first of a range of product classes that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for transfer.

Selection Code

Specify the first of a range of selection codes that LN must use as a criterion to select orders for transfer.

Planned Start Date

Specify the first of a range of fixed order start dates that LN must use as a criterion to select planned orders for transfer.

Planned Finish Date

Specify the first of a range of fixed order finish dates that LN must use as a criterion to select planned orders for transfer.

Shop Floor Planner

Specify the first of a range of shop floor planners that LN must use as a criterion to select orders for transfer.

Routing Group

Specify the first of a range of routing groups that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for transfer.


Specify the first of a range of buy-from business partners that LN must use as a criterion to select planned purchase orders for transfer.

Job Shop
Planned Production Orders

Specify the first of a range of planned production orders that LN must transfer to the execution level.


LN does not individually transfer planned production orders that belong to an order group to the execution level. You can only transfer the entire order group.

Production Order Series

The series from which the production order number will be taken.

Allowed values

Choose a series from the number group that is specified in the Number Group for Production Orders field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Manufacturing uses the first free number from this series.

Planned Order Group
Planned Order Group

Specify the first range of planned order groups that Enterprise Planning must transfer to the Job Shop Control module in Manufacturing.


You cannot individually transfer a planned order that belongs to an order group, only the entire group.

Create Production Order Group

If this check box is selected, LN creates an JSC order group and puts the transferred orders into that JSC order group.

If this check box is cleared, LN disbands the EP order group, and transfers the planned orders of the order group individually.

Production Order Group Series

The series from which the JSC order-group number will be taken.

Allowed values

Choose a series from the number group that is specified in the Number Group for Order Grouping field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Manufacturing uses the first free number from this series.

Production Order Series

The series from which LN takes the production order number.

Allowed values

Choose a series from the number group that is specified in the Number Group for Production Orders field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Manufacturing uses the first free number from this series.

Workload Control
Transfer Until Workload

This field determines whether LN must apply workload constraints that limit the order transfer.


LN transfers a limited number of production orders, to ensure that the workload of the selected resources does not exceed certain limits.


The set of transferred orders is not limited by workload constraints or by a selection of resources.


LN transfers a limited number of production orders, to ensure that the workload of the selected resources does not exceed certain limits.

In addition, LN transfers only those production orders that utilize the capacity of the resources in the selection range. You can use this value when the workload of certain resources is too low.


If you selected Yes or Only in the Transfer Until Workload field, you can specify a range of resources in the Resource From and To field.

LN only transfers planned production orders that use the specified resources.

In addition, for each resource in the specified range, LN takes into account workload constraints, such as:

  • The planned order data that you select in the Priority Rule field.
  • The percentage that you specify in the Workload Norm Perc. field.
Priority Rule

If the workload is too high, LN cannot transfer all production orders.

This field determines which criterion LN uses to select production orders for transfer if the workload is too high.

Priority Rule

Workload Norm Perc.

Specify the percentage to modify the effective workload norm for the specified range of resources.

You can define the workload norm and the workload tolerance of a resource in the Resources (cprpd2100m000) session.


Workload Norm: 50 hours Workload Tolerance: 20% Workload Norm Percentage : 90%

A workload of 20% in excess of 50 hours is 60 hours.

LN will transfer production orders until a workload of 54 hours (90% of 60).


The workload tolerance is not relevant for the transfer of planned orders.

Planned Purchase Orders

Specify the first of a range of planned purchase orders that LN must transfer to the execution level.

Purchase Order Type

The purchase-order type for the multicompany distribution orders.

Specify the order type of the purchase orders to which LN transfers multicompany distribution orders.


When the field is blank, LN gives an error message.

Purchase Order Series

The series from which LN takes the purchase order number.

Procurement uses the first free number from this series.

Retain Buyer

If this check box is selected, they buyer code is active and will be retained through transfer to order management.


Only visible when the Allow Buyer Assignment on Planned Purchase Order parameter is checked.

Generate Request for Quotation

This check box determines what happens if LN is unable to generate an actual purchase order for a particular planned purchase order.

If this check box is selected, LN transfers such a planned purchase order to a request for quotation (RFQ).

If this check box is cleared, LN does not transfer the planned purchase order in question. This means that it remains a planned purchase order.

RFQ Series

View which series the request for quotation belongs to.

Planned Distribution Orders

Specify the first of a range of planned distribution orders that LN must transfer to the execution level.

Supply Chain Relationships

Specify the first of a range of logistical companies that are involved in a multicompany supply structure.

LN takes into account the specified companies to transfer multicompany distribution orders.

The type of order that LN generates depends on the setting of the Default Order Type Multi Company Supply field in the Intercompany Trade Parameters (tcitr0100m000) session.

Transfer Multicompany Distribution Order

Select the type of multicompany distribution order.

Allowed values

  • Purchase Order
  • Warehouse Transfer
Purchase Order Type

The purchase order type of the purchase orders to which the multicompany distribution orders are transferred.

When the field is empty, LN gives an error message.

Purchase Order Series

The purchase order series for the purchase orders to which LN transfers multi company distribution orders.

Warehouse Order Type

Use this field to specify the Warehouse Order Type (as in session Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000)) for the Warehousing order that will be created.


This field is only visible when this session is started via appropriate menu for one selected planned distribution order. This is because when multiple orders are selected, they can have different warehouses, which makes it unlikely that one warehouse order type is a good choice for all the selected planned orders.

When multiple planned distribution order are selected, one of the following applies:

  • The session is started stand-alone.
  • The field is left empty.

    The system will take a default Warehouse Order Type, as defined in session Default Order Types by Origin (whinh0120m000).

Different from/to warehouses lead to different defaults for different planned orders.

Cost Peg Transfer

View the number of the item to be transferred.

Planning Group

View the planning group from which the transfer takes place.

Requirement Date

The date by which the transfer is needed.

From Project

Select the projects from which the cost pegs are transferred.

From Element

Select the element from which the cost pegs are transferred.

From Activity

Select the activity from which the cost pegs are transferred.

Include Transfers based on Scheduled Receipts

Based on defalut settings, EP will only transfer the planned cost peg transfers to warehousing

Cost Peg Transfer Series

The number of the Cost Peg Transfer Series.


If this check box is selected, LN does not immediately transfer the orders, but it first starts the Select Order Planning for Transfer (cppat0210m000) session.

In the Select Order Planning for Transfer (cppat0210m000) session, you can make a final selection of the planned orders that LN eventually transfers to the execution level.

If this check box is cleared, LN directly transfers the selected orders to the execution level.

Include Items to be Customized

If this check box is selected, you can also transfer planned orders, production plans and purchase plans for items for which the Customize check box is selected in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session and the project segment is empty.

You cannot select this check box if the Interactive check box is cleared.

Transfer Text As Well

If this check box is selected, LN also transfers the text linked to each planned-order line of the transferred orders.

You can link a text to a planned-order line in the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

Related topics

Transfer Status Planned as Well

If this check box is selected, LN will also transfer the planned orders that have the order status Planned.


Usually, LN only transfers planned orders with order status Confirmed.

You can confirm planned orders and firm-planned orders in the Confirm Order Planning (cprrp1200m000) session.

Transfer Status Firm Planned as Well

If this check box is selected, LN also transfers the planned orders that have the Firm Planned order status.


Usually, LN only transfers planned orders with the Confirmed order status.

You can confirm planned orders and firm-planned orders in the Confirm Order Planning (cprrp1200m000) session.

Process Report

If this check box is selected, LN generates a process report.

The process report contains all the orders that are processed together with their order number and the corresponding Job Shop Control order, purchase order, or warehouse order.

Error Report

If this check box is selected, LN generates an error report.

The error report contains all the orders that LN did not transfer, and states the reason why LN did not transfer them.

Use specific Devices

If this check box is selected, a specific device must be selected for the generation of the report.