Enterprise Planning

Enterprise Planning performs and controls the planning process in multicompany and single-company environments. The planning run supports master planning and detailed order planning for production, purchase and distribution. The planner can use extensive analysis tools, such as scenarios, planning signals, and performance indicators to evaluate the plan.

You can use Enterprise Planning to plan supply based on:

  • Demand forecasts
  • Actual customer orders
  • Dependent demand for components of manufactured items

Enterprise Planning supports logistic planning at various levels of detail in terms of:

  • Time (from plan periods to seconds)
  • Product level (from product families to individual products)
  • Degree of explosion of requirements (from a wide range of components and/or work centers to a limited number of critical components and/or work centers).

Enterprise Planning supports three sources of supply:

  • Production
  • Purchase
  • Distribution (within your company, or between your company and an affiliated company)

If you wish, you can divide the required supply for an item over several sources and several suppliers.

Planning methods

Enterprise Planning offers two basic planning concepts:

You can also combine these methods for one item.

For production planning, Enterprise Planning supports:

You can use scenarios to compare planning alternatives. When you are satisfied with the planning solution in the actual scenario, you can transfer the planned supply to the execution level of LN.

For an overview topic with links to a number of Help topics where basic notions and procedures in Enterprise Planning are explained, refer to Enterprise Planning, an Overview.