Example: to calculate the remaining available capacity

Calculation of the remaining available capacity of a resource in a specific period is one of the steps of the optimization algorithm for logistic parameters that LN uses in the Resource Analysis and Optimization module in Enterprise Planning.

LN uses the following formula to calculate the remaining available capacity of a resource:

AC = (F - S) * (1 + (OP/100)) - ACR


FTotal capacity of the resource
SCapacity reserved for production orders
OP10% overtime percentage
ACRAdditional capacity requirements



Suppose that, for a specific resource, we have the following data:

F:500 hours
S:100 hours
ACR:320 hours


The calculation of the remaining available capacity is then:

  AC = (F - S) * (1 + (OP/100)) - ACR 
     = (500 - 100) * (1 + 10/100)) - 320 
     = (400 * 1.1) - 320 = 440 - 320 = 120

This means that the corresponding resource has 120 hours of remaining available capacity left.