Phantoms of generic items

In regular order-based planning, phantoms are treated in the following way:

  • The phantom is replaced by the components in its BOM
  • The phantom's routing is treated as part of the existing routing

If a generic item G has a phantom, the phantom's components and operations are offset relative to the planned order finish date of G. The way in which this is done depends on whether the phantom itself is a generic item or a normal item. Below you will find an example of both situations.

Example: generic phantoms of generic items

Consider the following situation:

  • A generic item G1 has a generic phantom G2
  • G2's generic BOM contains a (normal) component N3
  • G2's generic routing contains one operation OP

In this situation, the planning proceeds according to the following diagram:

AOffset of N3 in G-BOM of G2
BOffset of G2 in G-BOM of G1
CN3 finish date of G1 order
DOffset of OP in G-ROU of G2
EOffset of G2 in G-BOM of G1
Example: normal phantoms of generic items

Consider the following situation:

  • A generic item G1 has a normal phantom N2
  • N2's BOM contains a (normal) component N3
  • N2's routing contains operations OP1 and OP2

In this situation, the planning proceeds according to the following diagram:

  • (1) Offset of N3 in BOM of N2,
  • Or:
AOrder lead-time of N2
BOffset of N2 in G-BOM of G1
CN3 finish date of G1 order
DOrder lead-time of N2
EOffset of N2 in G-BOM of G1


  • If an offset is specified in N2's BOM, this offset is used to offset N3; otherwise, N2's order lead-time is used.
  • In a normal routing, no offset is available; instead, N2's order lead-time is used to offset N2's operations.

You can specify an item's order lead-time in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.