Form Commands (ttadv3118s000)

Use this session to maintain form commands.


The form command's identification number.
Select the type of component to be activated by the form command.

The drop-down list contains these options:

  • Session
  • Function
  • Business Method
  • Menu
Session/Function/Business Method
The code of the session, function, or business method that the form command activates.

The function or business method must be part of the session's program script, or DAL script respectively.

To define a parent form command for your form command, enter the parent form command's 标识. If you define a parent form command, your form command displays as a submenu item (horizontally) of the parent form command.
  • The parent form command's Command Type must be 菜单.
  • The form command and the parent form command must belong to the same form.
  • Form commands with the same parent display as a (vertically) cascading submenu.
  • You cannot define a parent form command for a form command whose Command Type is 菜单. That is, a 菜单 form command cannot display as a submenu item.
Sort Sequence
Determines the order in which Tools displays different form commands that have the same Command Type.

Form commands with the same Command Type cannot have identical sequence numbers.

Command Type
Where the form command appears on the session's form.


Command Type

Group/Field Number
For form commands of Command Type:
  • . From the Form Groups (ttadv3515m000) session, select the Group Id of the group to which the form command belongs. The form command only appears in the session's 相应 menu when the user selects the group's tab.
  • 字段. From the Form Fields (ttadv3506m000) session, select the Sequence Number of the field behind which the form command appears as a field button.

Sessions can have multiple appearances of the same field, in which case the field has an entry in the Form Fields (ttadv3506m000) session for every appearance on the session's form. The sequence of the fields on the form is the same as the fields' order in the Form Fields (ttadv3506m000) session. If you define form command for a field that has multiple appearances on a form, make sure you have the correct sequence number of the field.

The form command category used by the Infor Ming.le. The category determines the pull-down menu in which the command will be displayed.


ActionThe command is displayed in the session's Action menu.
ReferenceThe command is displayed in the session's Reference menu.
ViewThe command is displayed in the session's Views menu.
Special 1The command is displayed in an additional pull-down menu, which is specific to the session.

Use the Special 1 and Special 2 categories to group frequently used commands. Per special category, you must select one default command. The description of this default command is displayed on the special category's menu button. See Default Command.

Specify a short description in the 简要说明 field. If you leave the 简要说明 field empty, the 详细说明 will be displayed on the menu button, so the button becomes too large.

Special 2



The category is only used by Infor Ming.le. If the session runs in another UI, the category is ignored.

Form commands in a menu must have the same category as the menu.

Default Command
Use this check box to define the form command as the default command for the session, or for a command category in the session.

You can select this check box in these situations:

  • If the command has Command Type Print.

  • If the command belongs to the Special 1 or Special 2 category.

    If this check box is selected, the command is the default command of its category. If the session runs in Infor Ming.le, the description of the default command is displayed on the category's menu button. See the example.

示例 - default command for a category

This table shows an example:

Session/Function/Business MethodLong descriptionCategoryDefault Command
exec.user.1Activate JobSpecial 1Yes
exec.user.2Queue JobSpecial 1No
exec.user.3Block JobSpecial 1No
exec.user.4Cancel JobSpecial 1No


The commands of the Special 1 category are displayed in the Activate Job pull-down menu.


You can specify one default command per special category.

The default command is only used by Infor Ming.le. If the session runs in another UI, the default command is ignored.

The code of the form command's label.
If this check box is selected, an ellipsis (...) follows the form command's label. Use ellipses to indicate the form command opens a dialog box.
If this check box is selected, users can suppress the dialog box, which is started by the form command, at runtime. The dialog box is suppressed if user defaults are defined and quick flow is activated. If the dialog box is suppressed, the corresponding default command is executed.

This check box is only available if the 添加椭圆至标签 check box is selected.

The form command's description shown on the session's 相应 menu at run time.

You define the description in the 标签 (ttadv1140m000) session, for the label code you select in the 标签 field.


In the 标签 (ttadv1140m000) session you can define two labels (that have the same code) but with different description lengths. If your label code has two labels of differing lengths, this field displays the label with greater than seventeen characters.

The description shown when the form command is included as a button on the session's form, or as a text button in the session's application toolbar.

You define the description in the 标签 (ttadv1140m000) session, for the label code you select in the 标签 field.


In the 标签 (ttadv1140m000) session;

  • You can define two labels (that have the same code) but with different description lengths. If your label code has two labels of differing lengths, this field displays the label with seventeen characters or less.
  • If you define a label with a Context of Label value of 在按钮上层叠排列项目, Tools displays the label for the form command when the form command is included as a button on the session's form, or as a text button in the session's application toolbar. The label also displays as a tooltip. The label enables you to give a more detailed description than the short description. 示例 Cascading form command: Compile > Debug. The short description for the button is Debug, which would display on the form command's button. The developer defines the label Compile with Debug with a Context of Label value of 在按钮上层叠排列项目. The Compile with Debug label displays on the button, which gives the end-user a clearer definition of what the button activates.
Select from the drop-down list the form command's shortcut key.
If this check box is selected,Tools inserts a line in the menu under the form command. Use these lines to create separate groups of form commands in the menu.
If this check box is selected, when a user zooms to the session, the form command displays as a field button on the session's form.
If this check box is selected, the form command is shown on the details session's 相应 menu.

Programming functions are available to create an application toolbar that includes a session's form commands.

The Authorization level users must have to carry out the form command. All commands with an authorization group that is higher than the user’s authorization for the session are removed from the 相应 menu.


A user is authorized to view and to print records in a session. His authorization group for that session is 'Print/Display'. All form commands with authorization groups 'Full Authorization' (Delete/Insert/Modify/Print/Display), 'Insert/Modify/Print/Display' and 'Modify/Print/Display' will be removed from the 相应 menu.

You must choose the authorization group of a form command according to the following guidelines:

Command Type If this form command… Authorization Group in Form Commands (ttadv3118s000) session
Form, Field or Group gives access to functionality, where a delete action should be possible.Full Authorization
Form, Field or Group gives access to functionality, where an insert action should be possible, but no delete action is needed.Insert/Modify/Print/Display
Form, Field or Group gives access to functionality, where a modify action should be possible, but no insert or delete action is needed. Modify/Print/Display
Form, Field or Group gives access to functionality, where data is displayed, but no print, modify, insert, or delete actions are needed. Display
Print gives access to report functionality, which also provides an option for the end-user to delete data (or executes a delete action in the script). Full Authorization
Print gives access to report functionality, which also provides an option for the end-user to insert data, but not to delete (or executes an insert action in the script). Insert/Modify/Print/Display
Print gives access to report functionality, which also provides an option for the end-user to modify data, but not to insert or delete (or executes a modify action in the script). Modify/Print/Display
Print gives access to report functionality, which prints data, but does not provide an option to modify, insert or delete data. Print/Display



You can define authorizations in the Authorization Management System module, and link these to a user on the 权限 tab of the 用户数据 (ttaad2500m000) details session.

Command Availability
Select the form command's availability.
Ask for Confirmation
If this check box is selected, before the Form Command is executed, Tools prompts the user with the question you enter in the Question field. For Tools to carry out the form command, the user must answer with the value in the 当为下列应答时继续 field.
If you select the Ask for Confirmation checkbox, when the user tries to execute the form command, Tools prompts the user with the question whose code you enter in this field.

Tools only carries out the form command if the user gives the answer whose code you enter in the 当为下列应答时继续 field.

To carry out form commands with the Ask for Confirmation checkbox selected, a user must give the answer you enter in this field when prompted by Tools with the question in the Question field.
For an overview session, when a user executes a form command with multiple records selected in the grid, if in this field you select:

一次, Tools only carries out the form command for the first record selected in the grid.

每次, Tools carries out the form command for every record selected in the grid.

Save before execution
If this check box is selected, when a user activates the form command, Tools saves the session's data before carrying out the form command.

If this check box is cleared, when a user activates the form command, Tools carries out the form command without saving the session's data.

Select the mode of the session the form command starts.

Allowed values

  • 模式
  • 非模式
  • 同步子项
  • 模式概览

You can only maintain this field if you selected 进程 in the Activate a field.

Select the type of session the form command starts from the options: 概览窗口 详细资料窗口

You can only maintain this field when you select 进程 in the Activate a field.

If this check box is selected, when users execute the form command in a session, the data affected by the form command automatically updates in any related sessions.

If this check box is cleared, users must manually save the changes after they execute the form command for the changes to update in any related sessions.