To create commands and buttons for a session

You can enhance the user interface of a session by creating additional elements on the form. Some of these elements are:

Zoom buttons allow you to view and select a record from a reference table.
Standard Commands control the active toolbar icons and pull-down menu options.
Form Commands allow you to specify options in the 相应 menu.
Form Buttons allow a user to invoke a command by pressing a button.
Field Buttons allow a user to perform a task related to a field.
Group Buttons allow a user to perform a task related to a field group.
Secondary Toolbars allow form commands to start by clicking icons in a second toolbar. You use the create.extra.toolbar function within the program script to create the toolbar. For details, refer to the Infor ES 程序员指南.


To add a zoom button

A zoom button appears next to a field. It is usually used to start an overview session for a reference table, where the user is able to select a value and return to the session, and the selected value is shown as the field value.

示例 - Zoom on Item Group

In the Items session, the item group field can have a zoom button to the Item Groups session.

To add a zoom button to the form:

  1. In the 动态表格编辑器, edit the field properties for the form field.
  2. Use the Zoom tab to specify action when the zoom button is pressed.

For details, refer to the 动态表格编辑器's online help.

To edit standard commands

Standard commands control the active toolbar icons and pull-down menu options for a session.

To edit the standard commands:

  1. In the 动态表格编辑器, click Standard Commands on the Tools menu. Alternatively, click Standard Commands on the 相应 menu in the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session. The Standard Commands (ttadv3110s000) session starts.
  2. Select the available standard commands from the defined lists of commands. If an option is selected, the option will appear on the session’s toolbar and menus.
  3. Click OK.
Add Form Command

A form command is a session specific command. The user can invoke a form command using a command in the 相应 menu, a form button, a field button or a group button. You create all these elements in the same way, but use different command types to determine how the command is presented to the user.

To create a form command:

  1. In the 动态表格编辑器, click Form Commands on the Tools menu. Alternatively, click Form Commands on the 相应 menu in the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session. The Form Commands (ttadv3518m000) session starts.
  2. Click New. The Form Commands (ttadv3118s000) details session starts.
  3. Enter the values for the command. For details, refer to the session's online help.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Form commands are typically added in conjunction with other sessions or with program script elements, such as functions.