Converter alterações para DD de runtime (ttams2200m000)

Use this session to convert the changed user data and role data to the run-time data dictionary. To make the changes to the user data and role data effective, you must restart Tools.

The following user related data is dumped in the ${BSE}/lib/user/<user> file:

  • User data
  • Data in the user data template
  • Language dependent data
  • Company dependent data
  • Default users settings
  • Data in the terminal authorization template

The role related data is divided over the following authorizations:


Users / User Data / Terminals
Specifies the code of the LN user.
Usuários remotos
If this check box is selected, the changes to the remote users are converted to run time.
Dados do sistema / dados do usuário / grupos de texto
If this check box is selected, the changes in the user data, terminal authorizations and text group authorizations are converted to run time. The run time data is stored in the ${BSE}/lib/user/u<user> file.
Parâmetros de desenvolvimento
If this check box is selected, the changes to the development parameters are converted to run time.
Preferências do dispositivo
If this check box is selected, the changes to the device preferences are converted to run time.
Autorizações do desenvolvedor
If this check box is selected, the changes in developer authorizations of the LN users who are authorized to maintain software components are changed.
Specifies the role code.
Autorizações banco de dados
If this check box is selected, the changes in the database authorizations are converted to run time. The authorizations are dumped to the ${BSE}/lib/roles/db/<first char>/<role> file.
Autorizações de sessão / biblioteca
If this check box is selected, the changes to the session authorizations and library authorizations are converted to run time. The authorizations are dumped to the ${BSE}/lib/roles/session/<first char>/<role> file.
Session Groups
If this check box is selected, the changes in session groups are converted to run time. The session groups contain the start up sessions that are automatically activated when Tools is started. They are dumped in the ${BSE}/lib/user/<group>.sessions file.