Exportar dados do modelo do componente (tgbrg5257m000)

Utilize esta sessão para export component and application conversion information to a file.

Tópico relacionados


Specify the location and name for the export file.

Default: ${HOME}/conv.dump

Where ${HOME} is your home directory.

Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the export file specified in the Arquivo field is compressed. The file will get the .Z extension.
Incluir comentários da tradução
Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, explanatory information is added to all exported data. The export file can be used to translate the descriptions of applications. To do that, the information must be identifiable.
Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the selected range of applications that are defined for the component and component release are written to the export file.
Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the subapplications defined for the selected range of components, component releases and applications are exported.
Dados de conversão do aplicativo
Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the application conversion data (defined in the Conversão dos aplicativos (tgbrg5150m000) session) that falls in the selection range of components, component releases, and applications on the Application Conversion Data tab, is exported.


Click Export to export the ranges of model items to the file that you specified.