Fases de otimização por processo de negócios (tgbrg4140m000)

Utilize esta sessão para list the optimization phases by business process and project model.

Start the Fases de otimização por processo de negócios (tgbrg4140s000) session to link one or more optimization phases to the business process.

All the optimization phases that you have linked to the project model in the Fases de otimização por modelo de projeto (tgbrg4530m000) session automatically apply to all business processes in that project model. However, if you link one or more phases to a business process in the current session, only those phases apply. The links that the business process has with the remaining phases are disconnected.


Versão atual modelagem
The version you currently use to create and modify model items.
Modelo projeto
A model that represents a specific organization.

. A project model is built from a library (repository) of the following model items:

  • business-control model
  • business-function model
  • business-process model
Project Model
The description or name of the project model.
A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.
The description or name of the version.
Proc. negócios
A set of one or more activities and states that collectively realize a business objective.
Business Process
The description or name of the business process.
Fase de otimização
A phase in the business-improvement cycle in which new business functions and business processes are implemented in an organization.
The description or name of the optimization phase.