Verificar consistência do modelo de ref. (tgbrg2220m000)

Utilize esta sessão para check the consistency of a reference model by means of the consistency rules defined in the current modeling version.

After you have run the current session, ERP generates a report that indicates whether the reference model meets the requirements of the consistency rules.


Versão atual de modelagem
The version you currently use to create and modify model items.
Mod. referência
A model that represents a line of business or business typology.

A reference model is built from a library (repository) of the following model items:

  • business-control model
  • business-function model
  • business-process model
Reference Model
The description or name of the model item.
A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.
The description or name of the model item.