Device Management Procedures

You use the device management procedures to create devices, and specify the paper types and fonts for the printouts.


A range of devices that can be used to view or print data that is processed by LN.


Make sure that the physical printers are installed on your operating system. If the printers do not exist on the operating system, refer to the appropriate installation manual for your operating system.

A printer in an LN environment must have a printer information file or printer device driver, which will contain the printer commands, for example, <Esc>, and <Ctrl>. The printer information file also contains the sequences for fonts, reverse video, underlining, and bold.

This section describes only the most important steps in the device management procedures. For detailed instructions on how to enter data in the sessions that are mentioned in the procedure steps, refer to The Device Management sessions.

The main steps in the device management procedures
Before LN can print the processed data, you must complete the following steps to create the devices and the associated data:
Istruzione 1. Create paper types

You must define the characteristics of the paper that can be loaded in a physical printer in the paper type. You can define specific paper types for every type of output. For example, if you want to print paychecks, you must define the characteristics of the preprinted checks that must be loaded in the printer.

LN reports can be printed on different types of devices, for example output files and printers. A printer is always linked to a certain paper type. You must define for each paper type the specific fonts that are applicable for the printout.

  1. Start the Formati carta (ttaad3110m000) session.
  2. Click the New button on the tool bar.
  3. In the Formato carta field, select a paper type, e.g. A2, and in the Orientamento field, type or select Portrait or Landscape.
  4. Click the Save button and then quit the session.
Istruzione 2. Create the fonts for the paper types

You must define the fonts to use per paper type. The fonts define how many characters can fit on one line and how many lines can fit on a sheet of paper. You must also define the width and height of the sheet of paper. LN uses these dimensions to check whether the report fits on the selected paper type

  1. Start the Caratteri per Formato carta (ttaad3111m000) session.
  2. Click the New Group button on the toolbar.
  3. In the Formato carta field, zoom to the Formati carta (ttaad3110m000) session and select a Format.
  4. Click the New button on the toolbar. In the Carattere field, type or select a font type. In the Larghezza foglio field, enter the number of characters that must fit on one line. In the Altezza foglio field, enter the number of lines that must fit on one page.
  5. Click the Save button and then quit the session.
Istruzione 3. Create devices

You must create the devices to which LN can send reports. These devices can be physical devices such as printers or logical printers, but a device can also be a file.

  1. Start the Dati periferica (ttaad3500m000) session.
  2. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Device Data (ttaad3100s000) session appears.
  3. Enter the device data. The properties that you must enter differ per Tipo periferica. Refer to the session's online help for details.
  4. Click the Save button and then quit the session.
Istruzione 4. Optionally, create logical printers

You can group printers in close proximity into a logical printer. When a user sends a print request to a logical printer, the printer daemon checks the paper type of each printer in the logical printer, and automatically directs the output to the first printer in the logical printer that contains the required paper type.

  1. Create a device ( Tipo periferica = Logical Printer) for the logical printer. See the previous step, "Create devices", in this procedure.
  2. Start the Stampanti logiche (ttaad3101m000) session.
  3. Click the New Group button and then select the logical printer device.
  4. Click the New button on the toolbar.
  5. In the Stampante fisica field, enter the printer(s) that you want to include in the logical printer.
  6. Click the Save button and then quit the session.