| Object statusAn object status is only applicable if the object is checked
out. Bozza The object is checked out. It can be changed and saved multiple
times until the user submits the changes. In sospeso Any changes made to the object are submitted. The object is
pending for approval. The data of the object cannot be modified. Richiamata richiesta The object was already submitted, but is recalled by the user.
Approval will not take place anymore. If the recall is accepted, the object
status becomes Bozza (revisione). If the Recall is rejected, the object status becomes In sospeso. Bozza (revisione) The object was recalled after it was submitted and the recall is
accepted. The object can be changed and saved multiple times until the user
submits the changes. Rifiutato The submitted changes to the object are rejected. The user can
make changes to the object and submit these changes again, or discard all
changes. Approvazione ricevuta The submitted changes to the object are approved. The object
will automatically be checked in. If the check-in fails, the status remains Approvazione ricevuta. An administrator must decide what to do with the
object. Approvato The submitted changes to the object are approved and the object
is checked in. Non applicabile The object is checked in. Instead of an Object status, an Approval status is applicable.
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