Dati utente (ttaad2500m000)

Use this session to specify the system data, defaults settings, authorizations, and templates applicable for the LN user. The data is necessary for the user to start up a Tools application successfully. In this session you can also specify the Tools user's address data. For example, the e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, and so on.

Click Convert Changes To Runtime DD on the Visualizzazioni, Riferimenti o Azioni, to create or change the user file. The user file u<user name> is located in the $BSE\lib\user directory.

To ensure that the LN user can use information from a database, click Convert LN users to Database Users on the Visualizzazioni, Riferimenti o Azioni menu to give the user the proper authorizations.

You must restart Tools to make the changes effective.

If you delete a record with user data, all user data in the sessions linked to that user are removed as well. If you change a user from super user to normal user, all authorizations will be deleted.


If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.


A user code to identify the user as an LN user.

The Tools user code is normally similar to the user code specified in the Login sistema field. You can specify more than one Tools user for one system logon.

When a user starts the bshell, by default the system starts with the Tools user code that is equal to the system logon code. You can start the bshell with a different Tools user code by setting the User environment variable.


System logonLN user


If the user with the system logon dave starts the bshell, by default he will be user dave in Tools. The user dave can fill the environment variable User with dave_01 or dave_02, to start as another Tools User.

If the user with the system logon dave sets the environment variable USER to john or john_01 and tries to start the bshell, the message Not authorized to run as user john appears. In the same way, UNIX user john can only start the bshell as Tools User john or john_01, but not as dave, dave_01 or dave_02.


After running the Modifica lunghezza nomi utente sistema operativo (ttaad2220m000) session, a one-to-one relationship exists between system login and LN User. You can link each system login to only one LN user.

Utente IFS
If this check box is selected, IFS is the SoR and LN is not the owner of Security User Data. The SSO User field becomes readonly and this field becomes mandatory. The state of the Name, Email Address and Role fields depend on the data as stored in table 'User Data Maintenance Ownership Parameters' (ttaad212). In case LN is the SoR and the owner of the Security User Data, the field IFS User is not applicable.
Stato IFS
This is a display field. In case LN is the SoR and the owner of Security User Data, the fields IFS User and IFS Status are not applicable.
The name of the Tools user. This field becomes readonly in case the ‘Name’ User Property is owned Outside LN.
Utente Infor Security
This field is displayed only if the SSO attivo check box in the Parametri SSO (ttams0100m000) session is selected. Specify the name of the user as it is known in SSO Service.

You can leave the Utente Infor Security field blank. In that case the value of the Login sistema field is used during the Convert to Runtime. The Infor SSO User must be unique; for example, an Infor SSO User can only be specified for one LN user.

During the convert to runtime this field is dumped into the u<user> file with the sso_user tag.

Also a $BSE/lib/user/sso/s<SSO_USER> file, that contains the Application User name, is created. The format is baanuser:<baan user name>. This file is used by the Bshell to make the mapping from SSO user to Application User.

To prevent that an end user can tamper with the configuration to get more credentials, an extra file $BSE/lib/sso.permissions is introduced for BLogin. This file contains the permissions for SSO users to impersonate a certain OS user. The system administrator must maintain the file which is only writable on OS level by the system administrator. It must be considered as having the same security status as for example the OS password file. If this file does not exist, BLogin refuses to handle SSO requests.

Usa utente del sistema generico
If this check box is selected, the default OS-user identity that is used in SSO mode to run the binaries will be displayed. Any user can impersonate the Generic System User. After conversion this data is placed into the sso_config file as generic_user:<Generic User>.

The Usa utente del sistema generico field is enabled if the Opzione 'Ignora utente di sistema' consentita check box in the Parametri SSO (ttams0100m000) session is selected.

Identità (UUID)
The IFS identity.
Login sistema
The Login sistema code of the user. The user code specified in the Utente field is used as the default.

Before installing Tools, a number of system logons have to be created by the system manager by using a system administration program.

Tools checks if the logon code specified in this field exists in the password file. If not, a warning appears.


You can only specify system login codes that are in lower case.

Note that if SSO is active, the value of the displayed Generic System User field is used during the Convert to Runtime, instead of the Login sistema.

Tipo utente
Specifies the user type of the LN user.
Combinazione package
The user's package combination of the Tools software.
Package Combination
The description of the package combination.
The default company that contains data that the LN user will work with.

Access to a company is only possible if the package combination of the Tools user and company are the same.

There are exceptions to this rule. The company's package combination can only differ from the user's package combination under the following restrictions:

  • Both package combinations must include the same library authorizations.
  • The package VRCs in both package combinations can only be different if both package VRCs are derived from each other, or both package VRCs are derived from the same package VRC, and no changes in data definitions or domains have been made in the derived package VRCs.

If the user is a normal user, the company authorization for the specified company is automatically generated.

Argomenti correlati

The name of the company.
Società logistica
The logistic company that contains data that the LN user will work with. This field will only be visible if the parameter for dynamic Passaggio da società logistica a società finanziaria (ttaad0101s000) has been enabled.

Argomenti correlati

Società finanziaria
The financial company that contains data that the LN user will work with. This field will only be visible if the parameter for dynamic Passaggio da società logistica a società finanziaria (ttaad0101s000) has been enabled.

Argomenti correlati

The user's default role. If this field is blank, the role mechanism is not available.

A role contains personalization settings, such as session personalizations and menu personalizations.

A role-enabled user has one current role and can have multiple roles assigned. If multiple roles are assigned to a user, the user can switch between these roles.

The code of the Software Language in which the user starts up the application.
Lingua dati
The code of the Data Language of the user.
Password autorizzazione
Menu Browser
If this check box is selected, the Menu Browser is included in the user's WorkTop at startup.
Menu di avvio
The package code of the user's startup menu.
Startup Menu
The module code of the user's startup menu.
Startup Menu
The code of the user's startup menu.
Startup Menu
The description of the user's startup menu.
Infor ERP Browser processi (DEM)
If this check box is selected, the Infor ERP Browser processi (DEM) is included in the user's WorkTop at startup.
Infor LN Flusso di lavoro
If this check box is selected, the Infor LN Flusso di lavoro is included in the user's WorkTop at startup.
Memorizza impostazioni utente
If this check box is selected, if the user restarts an overview session, the session starts with the last index the user selected for the session.

If this check box is cleared,

  • Sessions start with the default window size, and the default screen position.
  • Overview sessions start with the default column widths.
  • Overview sessions start with the session's default index.

The user can only select a session's index if the Sort by command on the View menu is enabled.

Modalità messaggio senza interruzione
The user's Message mode. At runtime, users can change the message mode in the Opzioni (ttams1100s100) session, which they can access by clicking Options... on the Tools menu of any overview session.
Barra degli strumenti standard
The location of the user's standard toolbar on a session's form. Users can maintain this field in the Opzioni (ttams1100s100) session, which they can access by clicking Options... on the Tools menu of any overview session.
Barra degli strumenti dell'applicazione (Icone)
The location of the user's application toolbar (icon buttons) on a session's form. Users can maintain this field in the Opzioni (ttams1100s100) session, which they can access by clicking Options... on the Tools menu of any overview session.
Barra degli strumenti dell'applicazione (Testo)
The location of the user's application toolbar (text buttons) on a session's form. Users can maintain this field in the Opzioni (ttams1100s100) session, which they can access by clicking Options... on the Tools menu of any overview session.
Dati utente
The Tools user's user data template.

You create the templates in the Modello dati utenti (ttams1110m000) session.

Gruppi di testo predefiniti
The Tools user's default text group template.

You create the template in the Modelli gruppi di testo predefiniti (ttams1121m000) session.

Campi di testo predefiniti
The LN user's default text field template.

You create the template in the Gruppi di testo predefiniti per Modelli campi di testo (ttams1120m000) session.

Parametri di sviluppo
The Tools user's development parameters template.

You create the template in the Modelli parametri di sviluppo (ttams1150m000) session.

Preferenze periferica
The Tools user's device preference template.
A role of the LN user in an organization. All elements of this field become readonly in case the ‘AMS Roles’ User Property is owned Outside LN.

You can link the Tools user to more than one role.


A manager must have the same authorizations as his staff in the organization, in addition to his own authorizations.

The description of the role.
Autorizzazione predefinita per tutti i package VRC
If this check box is selected, the developer has default authorization to change software components in all package VRCs. If a package VRC is specified in the Modello autorizzazione sviluppatore (ttams1151m000) session, the developer will no longer be authorized for all package VRCs, but only for the specified VRC.

If this check box is cleared, the developer is only authorized for the package VRC that is specified in the Modello autorizzazione sviluppatore (ttams1151m000) session.

Autorizzazioni sviluppatore
The code of the template in which the authorizations for the developer are specified.

You create the template in the Modello autorizzazione sviluppatore (ttams1151m000) session.

Autorizzazioni ruoli secondari
The code of the template in which the text group authorizations for the LN user are specified.

A textgroup authorization template must be specified for a normal user, otherwise the user is unable to read or write text in Tools.


You create the template in the Modello autorizzazione gruppi di testo (ttams1122m000) session.

Tipo e-mail
The address type of the user's e-mail address.
Indir. e-mail
The e-mail address of the recipient. LN checks the validity of the e-mail address based on the e-mail type. This field becomes readonly in case the ‘Email Address’ User Property is owned Outside LN.
Numero telefono
This field is not yet supported by LN.
Numero fax
This field is not yet supported by LN.
N. telex
This field is not yet supported by LN.
Indir. SITA
This field is not yet supported by LN.
Indir. SMS
This field is not yet supported by LN.
Tipo indir. predefinito
The default address type for the user. LN uses the default when an application does not specify how a message should be sent to the user. If you use a default message type, you must also supply an address for that type. You can also leave this field empty, meaning this user has no default message type.


Ruoli utente
Recupera identità
The Get Iidentity is not available in case IFS is the SoR.