Libraries by Program Script (ttadv2143m000)

Use this session to list or find libraries by program script.


The package code of the program script.

Each program script belongs to a module within a specific package.

The version code of the package for which the program script is defined.
The release code of the package for which the program script is defined.
The customer extension of the package for which the program script is defined.

This is only necessary for customized software.

The code of the module to which the program script belongs.
Script du prog./bibli.
The code of the program script or library.

A script or library is uniquely identified by the combination of package code, module code, and script or library code.


Package Code:tiInfor LN Manufacturing
Module Code :pcfProduct Configuration
Script Code :0110Maintain Features


The total identification of the program script or library is : tipcf0110

N° séquence
The library sequence number.
Code bibliothèque
The code which identifies the library.