Package Combinations vs Verification Codes (tlvsc1501m000)Use this session to link one or more package combinations to a verification code. You must link at least one package combination to each verification code. In this way VSC can execute the checks, that are defined for a verification code, to verify the software components in the corresponding package combination(s). For example: Package combinations X, Y, and Z are linked to verification code A. VSC can use the checks, that are defined for verification code A, to verify software components in package combinations X, Y, and Z. Remarque You can link multiple package combinations to the same verification code. However, you can link each package combination to only one verification code. You can use the Switch Verification Code command in the Vues, Actions ou Références menu to 'move' a package combination to another verification code.
Verification Code The verification code to which the package combinations are
linked. Package Combination The package combination.
Switch Verification Code Use this command to 'move' a package combination to another
verification code. A dialog starts where you can enter the target verification
code to which you want to link the package combination. The package combination
is unlinked from its current verification code.
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