Composants (tgbrg5157m000)

Cette session permet create and maintain the components.

Rubriques liées


A set of applications and their related data.
Version de composant
The identification of the issue of a component.
The description of the component release.

For example, Baan IVC, Baan 5.0, or Infor LN.

Autor. pour insérer
Si cette case est cochée, this authorization type is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Autor. pour modifier
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling application type activity.
Autor. pour supprimer
Si cette case est cochée, this authorization type is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Autor. pour afficher
Si cette case est cochée, this authorization type is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Autor. pour imprimer
Si cette case est cochée, this authorization type is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
The date when the last changes were made to this session.
The time when the last changes were made to this session.
The user who made the last changes in this session.
Si cette case est cochée, an explanatory text on the component is present.
The name of the user who made the last changes in this session.
Parcourir l'enregistrement
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Parcourir le groupe
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Actualiser automatiquement
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Enregistrer et afficher les valeurs par défaut
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Changer la devise
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Lancer la requête
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Lancer le graphique
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Créer une tâche
Si cette case est cochée, this activity option is available when you are modeling an application type activity.
Composant ERP actif
Si cette case est cochée, the component is the running ERP component as defined in the Paramètres DEM (tgbrg0135s000) session.
Mis à jour avec la session
The ERP session that caused the latest change to the current record.
Updated with Session
The description or name of the ERP session that caused the latest change to the current record.
Type de composant
Select the correct ERP release description in case of a ERP component. In case of a none ERP component select the value Other.

Unlike the Component Release field which is user definable, the values that you can select in the current field are the standard ERP release descriptions that are used to distinguish between ERP releases in the application conversion procedure.


Only a component of type ERP can be set as the Running ERP Component in the Paramètres DEM (tgbrg0135s000) session.

Specify the location of the component's executable.

The HTML UI does not support starting local (client) programs.

If the interface you selected is Ligne de commande you can here specify the executable for the component.
Specify the type of interface that the component supports:
Code Programme
If the interface you selected is COM you can here specify the program identification of the component as it is known by COM.

The program identification can be found in the COM interface specification of the component (Interface Definition Language).


Applications par composant
If you click this button (or command), you can maintain the applications of the selected component.