Visualizador de listados (ttstpdisplay )

Use this session to display and navigate the output of reports on your screen.

Apart from the pulldown menu "options" and the toolbar buttons you can use the following keyboard commands:

Command / Keyboard buttonDescription
/Find string or Find next string
Ctrl-FFind string
Esc or DelInterrupt action
PgDnNext page
PgUpPrevious page
HomeFirst page
EndLast page
TabScroll right for width reports
BacktabScroll left for width reports
R or rRead tail
: nGo to page number n
Cursor keysScroll up, down, left, right


When you enter the command "Read tail" (R) the program goes directly to the last page. Every 5 seconds the program will read the last page and scroll if new data is received. The "Read tail" process stops when another command is given. It is useful for displaying unfinished reports.

If you cancel the display browser before all data has been received, the process will continue. Later you can display or print the report again using the Cola de espera de dispositivo (ttaad3520m000) session.