Print Dependencies by Update VRC (Multi-level) (ttpmc2440m000)

Use this session to print the dependencies multi-level.

For each Solution in the range the dependencies are listed.

The way of printing depends on the dependency types. If a solution has a Post-requisite dependency, a separate entry is printed just like if the post-requisite solution was in the given solution range. The same applies to Co-requisite solutions. So, post- and co-requisite dependencies can be seen in the tree of the original solution, but they are not exploded in the tree of the solution being processed, but in a separate tree.

Pre-requisite solutions are shown in the tree of the solution being processed. This is done multi-level. The level on which pre-requisite solutions occur is printed by the system. The direct pre-requisite solutions get level 1, the pre-requisites of the pre-requisite solutions get level 2, etc.


Solution: 123000



If there are large dependency trees, this session may run a long time. Moreover, the disk space used to store intermediate results may be significant. The sessions shows a progress indicator, showing you that it is still busy. The most important information in the progress indicator is the size of the intermediate file. If this file becomes too large, you can stop the printing.

If you stop the printing, only the selection of data stops. The session will still try to produce the report with the data gathered until the moment of stopping.

The system will need extra disk space to sort the intermediate file.

Several options are present to influence the output and the running time of the session.


Update VRC
A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked.
The unique identification code of the solution within the base VRC.
Stop at Installed Patches
If this check box is selected, the amount of output being generated will be reduced. The system will print the dependency tree multi-level, but as soon as it encounters a solution in the tree, which belongs to an installed patch, this solution itself is printed, but the dependencies of the solution are not printed.

If the given solution or a solution in the given range belongs to an installed patch, the system will print all dependent solutions within this installed patch, but as soon as it encounters a solution belonging to another installed patch, this solution is not exploded anymore.


Solution: 123000



If this check box is selected, the following data will be printed:

Solution: 123000



Suppress Repeating Dependency Trees
If this check box is selected, the amount of output being generated is reduced. As soon as a solution is processed in a tree, that is printed already, the solution is printed with a * character, but is not exploded anymore.


Solution: 123000



If this check box is selected, the following data will be printed:

Solution: 123000



The tree of solution 122463 is not printed anymore, because it was already exploded before on level 1.

Skip Co-requisites
If this check box is selected, Co-requisite dependencies are not printed.
Explode Co-requisites
You can only select this check box if you do not select the Skip Co-requisites check box. If this check box is selected, all Co-requisite dependent solutions, which are found during the processing of the solutions in the given range, are also printed with their own tree. If this check box is cleared, the Co-requisite dependencies are printed, but no separate tree is printed.
Skip Post-requisites
If this check box is selected, Post-requisite dependencies are not printed.