PMC Cleanup (ttpmc2220m000)

Use this session to clean up PMC, which helps save disk space.

This session can delete three types of PMC data:

  • Solution dumps
    Stored in the system when solutions are scanned. The dumps are used for the installation. Refer to the Help on the Solution Dumps field for more information.
  • Uninstall dumps
    Created during the installation of solutions if you select the option to save the components. The uninstall dumps are used to uninstall the solutions. Refer to the Help on the Uninstall Dumps field for more information.
  • PMC Registry
    Contains data about the solutions. Use this option to remove the data for a complete update VRC. Refer to the Help on the PMC Registry field for more information.


Update VRC
A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked.
Solution Dumps
If this check box is selected, all solution dumps are deleted from the directory that is specified in the Path for Individual Solution Dumps field in the Parameters (ttpmc0100s000) session.

The solution dumps are deleted if these criteria are met:

  • The solution is installed in all update VRCs to which the solution is connected.
  • The installation date in all update VRCs is before or on the date specified in the Up to Installation Date field.
  • If you specified a patch in the Up to Patch field, the solution must belong to this patch or a previous patch.

If a solution dump is deleted, you can no longer install that solution in another update VRC, unless you scan the solution again.

Uninstall Dumps
If this check box is selected, all uninstall dumps are deleted from the directory that is specified in the Path for Uninstall Dumps field in the Parameters (ttpmc0100s000) session.

The uninstall dumps are deleted if these criteria are met:


If an uninstall dump of a solution is deleted, you can no longer uninstall that solution.

Up to Patch
Indicates until which patch you must delete solution dumps and uninstall dumps.

The patch that contains the solutions must be previous or equal to the patch specified in this field.

  • Solutions do not have to have been installed as part of a patch. The solutions might have been installed previous to the installation of the patch. The issue at stake is only that the content of installed patches is used as selection criterion to select the dumps you want to delete.
  • Solutions that are installed, but that are not included in an installed patch, cannot be selected this way.
  • If you leave this field blank, the selection of the dumps in the specified base VRC will not be based on patches, but only on the installation date of the solutions. Refer to the Help on the Up to Installation Date field for more information.
Up to Installation Date
Indicates until which installation date you must delete solution dumps and uninstall dumps.

The installation date of the solutions must be previous or equal to the date specified in this field.

  • To clean up solution dumps or uninstallation dumps, you must select a date in this field.
  • This field is not relevant if you select the PMC Registry check box.
PMC Registry
If this check box is selected, all information in the the PMC registry for the update VRC specified in this session is deleted.

This option is only intended for update VRCs that you want to remove from your system. You cannot use this option for update VRCs that are still in use, because PMC requires information about previous solutions when it performs checks to install new solutions.

The registry can only be cleaned up if the update VRC is empty, which means that all components and all uninstall dumps are deleted from this VRC.

To remove a complete update VRC:

Print Report
If this check box is selected, a concise report of the results of the clean-up is printed.
Detailed Report
If this check box is selected, a detailed report of the results of the clean-up is printed.


Deletes the selected solution dumps and/or uninstall dumps, or cleans up the PMC registry.