Uninstall Solution/Patch (ttpmc2208s000)

Use this session to uninstall the solution. The uninstallation is carried out on multilevel.

You can start this session from these sessions:

The session works on solutions that are present in the registry of solutions and that have the status To Uninstall.

Upon uninstallation, all post-installation instructions are printed, along with the instructions for convert to runtime data dictionary and create runtime data dictionary, if the solutions contain components for which this is required.

Only user root or a user who is defined as a superuser in LN can run this program.


Update VRC
A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked.

This field is only displayed if you start the session from the Process Solutions (ttpmc2101m000) session or the Process Patches (ttpmc2102m000) session.

Solution Code
A unique identification of the solution or patch in a base VRC.

This field is only displayed if you start the session from the Process Solutions (ttpmc2101m000) session or the Process Patches (ttpmc2102m000) session.

Ejecución de instalación

This field is only displayed if you start the session from the Installation runs (ttpmc2503m000) session.