Install Solution/Patch (ttpmc2205s000)Use this session to install the solution. The solutions are installed multilevel. In addition, the previous version of the components to install is saved to be able to uninstall the solution. You can only start this session either from the Process Solutions (ttpmc2101m000) or Process Patches (ttpmc2102m000) session. The session works on solutions that are present in the registry of solutions and have the To Install status. If pre-installation instructions are present for one of the solutions to be installed and the Pre-Inst. Instr. Followed Up check box is not selected, none of the solutions will be installed. Upon installation, all post-installation instructions are printed, along with the instructions for convert to runtime data dictionary and create runtime data dictionary, if the solutions contain components for which this is required. Only user root or a user who is defined as a superuser in LN can run this program.
Update VRC A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are
installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked. Pre-Inst. Instr. Followed Up Use this option to inform the system that you took action on
the pre-installation instructions. If you not select this option, the solutions
will not be installed if any solution exists with pre-installation instructions
attached to it. Print Form Changes If this check box is selected, and the solutions you
install contain new forms, the changes between the old forms and the new forms
are printed in a report. This can be helpful to detect problems with the
authorizations of the forms. Save Components Use this option to be able to uninstall the individual solution
or patch again. PMC creates an uninstall dump for each solution that is
installed. Device for Error Report Use this field to specify the device for the error report that
can be created during the creation of the uninstall dumps. This device must be
a real printer or a device of type Append to File. Nota In general, you can ignore this report. The report lists missing components in the current environment, for example, sources or objects, which cannot be found. If the components are not present before the installation of a solution, the components do not need to be restored during the uninstallation of a solution. Output File In this field, you must specify a file to which the error
report must be written if your device is of type Append to File.
Install Installs the solution or patch.
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