Check Solution/patch to Install (ttpmc2203s000)

Use this session to check if the solutions can be installed. The session also signals the problems in regard to customizations.

You can only start this session from either the Process Solutions (ttpmc2101m000) session or the Process Patches (ttpmc2102m000) session.

The session works on solutions that are present in the registry of solutions. The check is always carried out on multi level. As a result, all related solutions, which include pre-requisites, co-requisites, and post-requisites, are checked.


Update VRC
A physical VRC at the PMC recipient side in which updates are installed. Every update VRC has a base VRC linked.
Solution Code
A unique identification of the solution or patch in a base VRC.
Retain Status
Use this option if you want to check the solutions, but do not want to change the status of the solutions to To Install. This option is useful if you only want to see the consequences of a particular solution. The Check Solutions report shows the status, the solution would receive. However, if you look in the Process Solutions (ttpmc2101m000) or Process Patches (ttpmc2102m000) session, you will still see the former status.
Print Pre-Inst. Instr.
Use this option to print the pre-installation instructions in a separate section on the Check Solutions report. This option is mandatory if you did not select the Retain Status option.
Print Post-Inst. Instr.
Use this option to print the post-installation instructions in a separate section on the Check Solutions report.
Listado detallado
Use this option to print a detailed report with all solutions that will be installed. The Solution details are printed in a separate section of the Check Solutions report. For each solution the pre-installation instructions, post-installation instructions, components by solution, and dependencies are printed. This option is independent of the use of the corresponding options:
Print Components
Use this option to print the components of all solutions that will be installed in a separate section of the Check Solutions report. To print only customized components, you can use the Check Customizations and Print Cust. Comp. Only options.
Sort Order of Components
In this field, you can specify how the components must be sorted in the solution details section and/or the components section of the Check Solutions report.

Type, Code

The components are sorted by Component Type and Component Code.

Code, Type

The components are sorted by Component Code and Component Type. Use this choice if you want to see the various components of a session, which include session, form, script/object, and reports, together.

Print Related Solutions
Use this option to print in the Components section of the Check Solutions report the solution codes of the solutions that contain the component.
Check Customizations
Use this option to check all components of the solutions to be installed, whether the components are customized or not.

This option is applicable if you chose the Listado detallado and/or the Print Components option.

The components of a solution will be installed in the update VRC. If the same component also exists in a VRC on top of this update VRC, this component is reported for every package combination that contains the update VRC. Language-dependent components are checked and, if customized, reported for every language you specify in the In Language(s) field. If a component is present in a VRC higher than the update VRC, but a co-requisite solution is present that contains the same component for that higher VRC, the component is not reported.


The presence of customizations will not block the solution for installation.

In Language(s)
In this field, you can specify the languages for which the customizations must be checked. The more languages you specify, the longer the session will run. Infor recommends that you specify only the languages for which customized components always exist.
Print Cust. Comp. Only
Use this option to print the customized components only. This applies to both the solutions details section and the components section of the Check Solutions report.
Automatic Download
If this check box is selected, missing solutions will be downloaded from the FTP server automatically.

The FTP script must be generated previously by the Generate FTP Script (ttpmc2211s000) session.

Download Dependencies File
If the Automatic Download checkbox is selected, the Download Dependencies File checkbox is selected by default. If you do not want to download the PMCDepend<cust> file before running the PMC Dependencies Check (ttpmc2441m000) session, you can clear this checkbox.