Patch Header (ttpmc1106m000)Use this session to maintain patch headers. You can only create a patch header for a Feature Pack. A patch header contains metadata that steers the installation of Feature Packs in a recipient environment if you use the Infor installation wizard. This session creates an XML patch header that you can view if you click Text.
Base VRC A means in PMC to identify products in a unique way. Updates at
the distributor side are provided with the base VRC identifier. A base VRC can
contain the code of the physical VRC in which the related master product is
installed, for example, B61_a, but can also be a code not related to a physical
VRC, for example, 7.6_a_tt. At the recipient side, every update VRC is linked
to a base VRC identifier. The installation process checks if the base VRC
identifier of the update matches with the base VRC identifier of the update
VRC. If not, you cannot install the update in that update VRC. Patch Code The unique identification of a solution in a base VRC. Action for Package Combination The Installation Wizard can automatically perform particular
actions at a recipient system, such as create new package combinations, create
new update VRCs, and link new update VRCs to an existing or new package
combination. This field controls which action is being performed with respect
to Package Combinations (PCs) when you install a Feature Pack in a PMC
recipient environment using the Installation Wizard. The following options are available: No Action No specific action is being performed. No PCs are being created or changed. New PC, All Packages This option is relevant for derived products. Suppose that a few packages are changed for a derived product. A new package combination will be created. The package VRCs of the changed packages of the derived product will be linked to the new PC. Moreover, the package VRCs of the unchanged packages of the parent product will also be linked to the new PC. Example: A recipient environment contains a PC with the following package VRCs:
A Feature Pack for a derived product has been created. The Feature Pack header field Action for Package Combination contains the value New PC, All Packages and the Feature Pack contains the following changed packages:
If the Feature Pack for the derived product is installed in the recipient environment, a new PC will be created that contains the following package VRCs:
New PC, Only Packages of Base VRC This option is relevant if you want to deliver new products that are not derived from a parent product and that are stand-alone products. A new PC is being created that will only contain package VRCs for the packages that are included in the Feature Pack. Example: A recipient environment contains a PC that has the following package VRCs:
A Feature Pack for a new independent product has been created. The Feature Pack header field Action for Package Combination contains the value New PC, Only Packages of Base VRC and the Feature Pack contains the following packages:
If the Feature Pack for the independent product is installed in the recipient environment, a new PC will be created. This new PC will only contain the package VRCs of the new, independent product. The existing PC will remain unchanged. Add Packages to existing PC This option is relevant if you want to deliver new products that are not derived from a parent product, and that are stand-alone products. However, you want to include the package VRCs of the new product in an existing PC. New packages present in the Feature Pack will be linked to an existing PC. If no PCs exist in the recipient environment available, the Feature Pack will be installed, but the update VRCs are not linked to a PC. Example: A recipient environment contains a PC that has the following package VRCs:
A Feature Pack for a new independent product has been created. The Feature Pack header field Action for Package Combination contains the value Add Packages to existing PC and the Feature Pack contains the following package:
The existing PC will be extended during installation of the Feature Pack. After installation of the Feature Pack, the PC will contain the following package VRCs:
Note: If no PC was available before the installation of the Feature Pack, no PC will be created at all during installation of the SP. Refer also to the Create New PC if no PC exists option. Create New PC if no PC exists This option is similar to the preceding Add Packages to existing PC option. There is one difference: In case there are no existing PCs in the recipient environment available to which the package VRCs can be added, a new PC will be crated and the Feature Pack will be installed. Combinación de paquetes You can only specify a package combination if the Action for Package Combination field contains one of the
following values:
In the Installation Wizard, the package combination you specify appears as the default, however, you can overwrite this value. The package combination will be created in the recipient environment. Descripción The description of the package combination. In the Installation
Wizard, this description appears as the default, but can be
overwritten. Derived From Base VRC Use this field to define relationships between the base VRC of derived product and the related parent
product. You use this relationship if you create and derive update VRCs at a
recipient during installation of a Feature Pack. You must always define the
relationship to the base VRC of the Feature Pack on which the Feature Pack of
the derived product is built. Example: The following products are available:
Two Feature Packs are available. In this scenario, the Derived From Base VRC must be populated as follows:
Packages This command starts the Packages by Patch Header (ttpmc1107m000) session. Default This command reverts to the defaults determined by PMC, based
on the VRC derivation structure.
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