Password by Patch (ttpmc1105s000)

Use this session to specify a password for a patch. A patch is intended to be installed as a whole. To break up a patch to install the solutions the patch contains separately, you must specify a password.

If you want to specify a password, you must specify the password before you run the Export Solution/Patch (ttpmc1200s000) session.

You can only start this session from the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu or the toolbar of the Patches (ttpmc1501m000) details session.


Base VRC
A means in PMC to identify products in a unique way. Updates at the distributor side are provided with the base VRC identifier. A base VRC can contain the code of the physical VRC in which the related master product is installed, for example, B61_a, but can also be a code not related to a physical VRC, for example, 7.6_a_tt. At the recipient side, every update VRC is linked to a base VRC identifier. The installation process checks if the base VRC identifier of the update matches with the base VRC identifier of the update VRC. If not, you cannot install the update in that update VRC.
Patch Code
A unique identification of the patch in a base VRC.
New Password
Specify the password in this field.
Reenter Password
Specify the password a second time to confirm the new password.