Parameters (ttpmc0100s000)

Use this session to maintain the parameters for the PMC module.

Several sessions in the PMC module require predefined data that is dependent on the environment. This data is stored in the parameter table. These parameters consist chiefly of the paths for import dumps and export dumps of solutions. If a directory does not exist, the directory is created after the user confirms.


If you do not use PMC Distributor, leave the fields in the Distributor group box set to the default values.


Path for Individual Solution Dumps
A directory in which individual solution dumps are placed during the scanning process at the recipient system. If a solution must be installed, the dump is read from this directory.
Path for Uninstall Dumps
A directory in which dumps that are required to uninstall a solution or patch are placed. The Install Solution/Patch (ttpmc2205s000) session or the Comprobar e instalar soluciones (ttpmc2204s000) session creates these dumps. The Uninstall Solution/Patch (ttpmc2208s000) session reads the dumps from this directory.
Download Protocol
Select a protocol.
Download Site
The address of the site where you want to download the files.
Download User
The user name that is used when connecting to the site.
Download Password
The password that is used when connecting to the site.

The password is stored unencrypted in the $BSE/lib directory. To change this, you can leave this field blank. In that case, you are prompted to specify your password the moment you start to download. However, if you do not specify a password in this field, you cannot run the Download, Scan and Connect Solution (Multi-Level) (ttpmc2210s000) session as a job.

Download Directory
The directory on the server from which you want to download the solutions, for example: /updates.
Attach components during check-out
If this check box is selected, you are asked to which PMC solution a component must be linked, if a component that is not yet linked to a solution is checked out using Software Configuration Management (SCM).
Insert PMC ident string in scripts
If this check box is selected, and a program script is checked out using SCM, an ident string containing the code of the solution is added to the source code of the script.

This functionality is only available if the Attach components during check-out check box is also selected.

Path for Export Dumps
A directory in which dumps are placed at the distributor side. The Export Solution/Patch (ttpmc1200s000) session places the dump in this directory. When you create a patch or collection, the individual solution dumps are read from this directory and concatenated in the patch dump, which in turn are placed in this directory.

The solution file name is composed of the solution code and a constant suffix .tar.gz, for example, solution code 1005 becomes 1005.tar.gz.


Collection dumps are placed in the Multilevel Export directory.

Path for Multi-level Export Dumps
A directory in which dumps are placed at the distributor side. The Export Solution Multi-level (ttpmc1202s000) session places the dump in this directory. Exported collections are also placed in this directory.

The solution file name is composed of the solution code and a constant suffix .tar.gz. For example, solution code 1005 becomes 1005.tar.gz.

Copy Published Solutions
If this check box is selected, the dumps of solutions, collections, or patches that were marked as Published are copied to a separate directory immediately upon release of these dumps.
Path for Published Solutions
A directory in which dumps are placed at the distributor side when the solutions are published. This directory is a location from which you can copy the solutions, for example, to an external FTP server. Customers can connect to that FTP server to download the software updates they want to install. The Copy Published Solutions field indicates whether or not this copy action must be carried out.

Solutions are stored in separate subdirectories by base VRC.

The customer part of the base VRC will be added to the solution file name. If the customer part of the base VRC is empty, the string stnd will be added to the solution file name. Refer to the following examples:

base VRCsolution codesolution file name



Generate FTP Script
To start generating the script.
Test Connection
To test if the connection between the sites is working.