To define label length and label height

The length of a label is the display width of the description. At a ASCII or ISO8859-x, the character count equals the display width fortunately. But as for multi-byte languages like Japanese, Chinese, they are different. The height of a label is the number of lines of the description. If the label height is greater than one, you must insert a % sign in the description to indicate the line break. Type %% to include the % character in the label description.

Specifying different descriptions for one label

You can define different descriptions with different lengths or heights for the same label code. If more that one label definition is present, Tools uses the longest label that fits the available space for the label description on the form, report, or menu.

Example of different label descriptions

To present the text: Credit Insurance Company in different ways, three descriptions are defined for the tcmcs009.ccic label:

Label code =tcmcs009.ccic
Height =1
Length =24
Description =Credit Insurance Company
Result:Credit Insurance Company


Label code =tcmcs009.ccic
Height =3
Length =9
Description =Credit %Insurance %Company


Label code =tcmcs009.ccic
Height =2
Length =10
Description =Cred. Ins. %Comp.
Result:Cred. Ins.


Strip labels

If you change a label description to a text with a shorter length, you do not need to update the length field. You can use the Strip Labels (ttadv1250m000) session to reset the label lengths to the actual description lengths for a range of labels.

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