Possible values

  • Prematuro

    The request is being created.

  • En espera

    The request has been created and is waiting to be printed.

  • En conversión

    The printer daemon is converting the print file to a temporary file, which is suitable for a specific printer.

  • Activo

    The request is being executed.

  • Cancelado
  • Error

    An error has occurred during the print, for example, during the conversion of the print file. The reason is displayed in the Mensaje de error field in the Cola de espera de dispositivo (ttaad3120s000) session. For more details about the error, see the printer daemon log file in the ${BSE}/log directory.

  • Realizado

    The request has been executed. You can reprint the request through the Cola de espera de dispositivo (ttaad3520m000) session.

    The request's print file is removed automatically when the delete delay time has passed. The request's status changes to Borrado. To prevent the file from being removed, “preserve” your request through the Cola de espera de dispositivo (ttaad3520m000) session.

  • Borrado

    The request's print file is removed because the delete delay time has expired. The request stays in the printer queue table but cannot be reprinted.

  • Conservado

    The request's print file will not automatically be removed when the delete delay time has expired. Use the Cola de espera de dispositivo (ttaad3520m000) session to change the request status to Preserved, and to reprint the file.

  • Error en el papel

    A paper error occurred during the print of the print request.

  • Eliminado

    The print request is terminated.