Lista tipos gráfico (ttchm1150m000)Use this session to list and maintain chart types. You can create a user specific chart type or use a default chart type. A number of default chart types are present in Tools. You can only copy chart types with the default status. You cannot delete nor modify them. After you select a chart type, the name of the marked chart appears in the Current field. After you leave the session, the data will be represented in the current chart type. Import other chart types Use the Import button to import an existing chart type, including its attributes, from another application. You can only use this option if you are authorized in the Lista tipo gráfico field of the Conjuntos de opciones (ttchm1130s000) session.
Nombre The name of the chart type. Status The chart type's status. Valores permitidos This chart type is created by the Tools Chart Manager application. You can select this chart type but you cannot modify it. This chart type is created by an authorized user. It is not shown in lists called by other users. 2º plano The chart type's background color.
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