This need not be a logon name or a Tools user. You can define different user groups, each with their own window preferences.
Preferencias de ventana (ttchm1132s000)Use this session to set window preferences for the Chart Manager. This must be done separately for each user or user group. Window preferences involve the background color of the Chart Manager window and the button colors. Other colors, for example the color or background color of a graph, are defined in the attributes. The record with user name "" (blank) serves as default, and must be present in each application. If there are no window preferences for a user, he will be assigned the default preferences. If no window preferences are defined, you cannot start the Chart Manager. The Chart Manager must be restarted to activate the changes.
Usuario The name of the user to whom the window preferences apply to.
The record with user name "" (blank) is used as default, and must be
present in each application. This need not be a logon name or a Tools user. You can define different user groups, each with their own window preferences. 2º plano The background color of the chart. Over this background, the chart
manager draws the boxes in which it displays the graph, the legend, and
so on. Each box has its own background color. Obsolete The foreground color of a button on the status line when it is not
active. Obsolete The foreground color of the window screen. This is the color for
messages at the bottom of the screen and the name of the graph at the
top. Obsolete The background color of a button on the status line after clicking on
it. Obsolete The background color of a button on the status line when it is not
active. Obsolete The foreground color of a button on the status line after clicking on
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