Components (ttadv7117m000)

Use this session to add or delete the components of a business object.

Components are only used to model recurring elements. For example, a recurring order line must be modeled as a component. As a result, other parts of the same business object, for example, the order header, must now also be modeled as a component.

The choice to define a component, that is, the choice to define a recurring element is driven by the business. It may be desirable to define components, for example, because of OAGIS standards.

If a business object has components, it is called a complex business object. If the business object does not have components, it is called a simple business object.

The structure and/or hierarchy of the business object is modeled by defining the relations between the components in the Business Object Component Relations (ttadv7133m000) session, which you can start through the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu.

To define a component:

  • Click New Component and enter the name of the component.
  • Double-click the new component to start the Business Object Components (ttadv7117s000) details session, where you can define the basic properties and the protected layer (tables, protected attributes and protected methods) of the component.

Optionally, you can define the component's protected layer via the Specific menu in the current session.

A business object component has no public layer. The contents of the public layer (public attributes and public methods) are defined on the business object level, via the corresponding tabs in the Business Objects (ttadv7100s000) session.


The name of the component.

Only the following characters are allowed in a component name:

  • [A-Z]
  • [a-z]
  • [0-9]
  • . (dot)
  • _ (underscore)


Click to zoom to the Tables (ttadv7111m000) session, where you can define the tables that are related to the selected component.

If you use components, you cannot define the tables per business object, but you must define the tables per component.

Protected Methods
Click to zoom to the Protected Methods (ttadv7112m100) session, where you can create or generate the protected methods for the selected component.

If you use components, you cannot define the protected methods per business object, but you must define these methods per component.

Protected Attributes
Click to zoom to the Protected Attributes (ttadv7104m000) session, where you can create or generate the protected attributes for the selected component.

If you use components, you cannot define the protected attributes per business object, but you must define these attributes per component.

Business Object Component Relations
Click to zoom to the Business Object Component Relations (ttadv7133m000) session to define the relation types, e.g. one-to-one or one-to-many, between the components in a business object.