| Protected Methods (ttadv7112m100)Use this session to define the protected
methods of a business object or business
object component. Nota If the business object has components, you can only create
protected methods for the components. Protected methods provide a means to access and manipulate the
business object on an internal level. The methods are either standard methods
or specific methods. Specific methods must be programmed manually. Standard
methods can be generated based on the protected attributes of the business
object. Standard methods perform the standard actions create, read, change and
delete on these attributes. If you defined a reference table for the business object, the
following standard methods are used to operate on the reference table:
CreateRef and DeleteRef. Refer to the Help on the Tables (ttadv7111m000) session for more information. Method The name of the protected method. If the method is a standard method, you cannot modify it. If
the method is a specific method, you can modify its properties, such as name,
return type or arguments. The following rules apply to the protected method
name: - If the business object has no components, the name must be
unique within the business object. If the business object has components,
the name must be unique within the component.
- The name must refer to business concepts and/or the
functionality of the business object. Do not use a name that refers to a
technical solution.
- Use LN terminology.
- The name must be meaningful.
- Only alphanumeric characters ([A-Z], [a-z], [0-9]) are
- If the name consists of several words, start each word with
a capital. Spaces are not allowed.
If a method name is not equal to one of the standard method
names, the method type must be set to Specific in the Standard/Specific field. Ejemplo: Change,
GetEmployeeDescription. Standard/Specific This field indicates whether the method is a standard or a
specific method. Refer to Standard/Specific Method for
details. This field is filled automatically when you generate or
create methods. You cannot change the content of the field. Standard methods can be generated through the Vistas, Referencias o Acciones menu. You
cannot modify the properties of standard methods. You can only delete the
methods you do not require. | |